to live and let live....that explains quite alot about me right ^.^ oh you don't know...
need help? just call me...seriously don't worry even though i'm '92% mentally unstable' XD
p.s joyce has been running out of the house a little too much now! oops =X i can't help it ~.~ don't know if its a good or bad thing XD
Thursday, May 28, 2009{ 9:27 PM }
since i said that i'll post these..then here they are!!
i'm too lazy to post all of them =X wahahaha go find them yourself! =P
anyway...chinese really sucks..i practically fell asleep while writing my answer then i woke up and i fell asleep again and the cycle repeats itself for the full one and a half hour =O *dies*
oh and we got back our report books!! i...didn' no~~~ i'll die if i really get these marks for the real o lvl's =/ life's been so hectic that i haven't been able to clear up my 'mess' =/ shit...ok my chinese papers are calling me now T.T *crawls towards them*
Wednesday, May 27, 2009{ 1:59 AM }
started a birthday project...i'm sure most of you reading this is interested in it LOL ah~ i've gotten the pictures from the outing..shall post it up tomorrow or something since its getting late mock exams tomorrow! *dies* and now that i think of it...the chinese O's is like only a week away!! omgomgomg i've never actually studied for chinese before @.@ ah! because of the sudden urge i have to sleep..i shall stop here HAHAHA
Sunday, May 24, 2009{ 9:42 PM }
ok so i haven't been blogging much yes i was too lazy to because it takes me 100000000 years to post pictures in the order i want them to appear T.T so i shall just put the pictures up and...ya..LOLwent out with them...too bad lj had to leave early =(drew this for nurul...actually i happened to see the picture online LOL!! so i drew it out and edited it a little ~.~ we were making geraint's card! and i ignored alicia ^.^ ignored her again... and again LOL!! *sings again and again*its not easy to stick the papers ok!! all the pictures we printed.. the inside of the card! *note cherilyn's tissue LOL!!* and the front of the card ^.^
yes yes i had a fun filled week...well almost =D more picture to come! sg wonderful outing was yesterday...and joyce still can't take those rides T.T but it was fun..met new people yey!
p.s i seriously think that that quote is super funny XD
p.s p.s what lah!! wanting to meet sr doesn't make me a lesbian!! Zzzzzz *hits*
Thursday, May 21, 2009{ 12:17 AM }
OMGGGGGGGG this is so cute!!!!!!!!!!
and yes i took it from christine's blog its too cute!! LOL!!! it sounds like that singapura song right? LOL oh and if you wanna skip it..start watching from 3:04 omg!!! so cute!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on a side note...went out with them today!! whee~~ shall blog about it tomorrow or something..its getting late...
Sunday, May 17, 2009{ 2:37 PM }
oh before i start...
samantha ronson will be in singaporeeeeeeeeeeeeee. nah i'm not a fan, just saying =P but it'll be nice if i saw her =X it'll be cool if i really did lol...see her songs!
Saturday, May 16, 2009{ 7:19 PM }
OMG i had the craziest dream!!!
{ 3:35 PM }
i'm so evil! the how well do you know me quiz is really retarded and i'm sad cause no one knows who i like right now :'( ok not really! =P but i really likeeeeeeee that person though :) yes my new favourite(not actually new new but since no one knows...then its 'new' LOL) along with sohee and emma watson but they're like from totally different worlds!! ~.~
Friday, May 15, 2009{ 9:26 PM }
urgh not that i'm being baised but i saw that promo video *rolls eyes* like!?! anyway...what have i been up to these few days? well...i won't tell =X yes weird stuff again :) on the other hand, three more papers and we're done!! lets go shopping!!! yes i've got 101 things to buy haha just hope that i'll have enough money =/ i'm too lazy to blog now i shall come back when i feel like blogging again hahaha off to watch more videos!
p.s i REALLY REALLY want that shirt from radash!! no~~ i shall somehow buy it yes i want it that much LOL
p.s p.s aww man this became a strong 'addiction'.
Thursday, May 14, 2009{ 8:09 PM }
aww man i feel like poop :( no please no.
Monday, May 11, 2009{ 1:25 AM }
ah i'm so gonna die the exams are coming and what am i doing instead of studying 24/7? i'm here watching this show i'm addicted to! wow great *dies* i just wrote a study timetable for myself @.@ hopefully i'll follow it LOL i shall lock myself to a chair and keep my computer + psp and whatever away from me hope it helps =/ and of course i need to have some sort of motivation to study right? LOL i wrote it on the paper too XD i shall scan the timetable i made and post it up once the exams are over ^.^ wahahaha
anyway..i've been listening to the spec radio and LOL its really interesting hahaha i like~~ and i've found a flavor of potato chips that i really like!! ^.^ i can't remember what its called but i know how it looks like =X omg!! its 2 now i have to sleep~~ *sleeps* XD
hahaha never thought i'll smile when i see these pictures again ^.^
Saturday, May 09, 2009{ 3:27 PM }
i shall reply the tage here~~
Sandy - Zzzzz -.-''' siao
Shujuan - LOL!!!
Bert - cause you tell me 2NE1's 'fc name' mah ROFL
Apple - evil appleeeeeeeeeee poisonnnnnnnnnnnn
Christine - HAHAHA gogo tape her mouth =X
J-Rae - HAHAHA i duno i found it and added it to my tagboard for fun ~.~
Ying hui - LOL!!! the dance damn funny lah where got embarrasing XD anyway everyone was too preoccupied to look at the other 'teams'
Ju - O.O what does the G.I in front of my name stand for?!?! HAHAHA yesssss~~~ i like that song too ^.^ its by taylor swift =D
so..yesterday after the papers...magikrap and crystal came to fetch me!! *claps* yey! LOL!! so what we did after tat was...
carrot cake->my house->thomson plaza only to find out that the carpark was full->christine's house ^.^
she kept 'feeding' us lah!! LOL!! *points*
heh the spoon is so cute XD..ya..i took this picture just because of the spoon ROFL then we went home~~ and...i haven't even worn my shoe yet then the both of them went into the lift -.-'''
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so she drove me home~~ ^.^ so fun LOL and we would take pictures HAHAHA at every red light we stopped at XD too bad i can't post them =/ i can only show these...
wah so artistic right!! i know i know HAHAHA LOL magikrap's eyes XD so smart right! take a picture of her from the mirror =D
whee~~ if you noticed...or not...i totally rushed this post out lah LOL i have no choice~~ the exams are next week and what have i been doing? only 0.1% of everything T.T *dies* i shall go chiong everything now XD *puts on a 'i have to work hard' headband LOL*
Thursday, May 07, 2009{ 8:39 PM }
i like this ^.^
this video is very nice =D
Wednesday, May 06, 2009{ 11:47 PM }
ah~ since i wanna do this quiz on facebook but i'm afraid of tagging 17people in case they all shoot me so i shall do it here! LOL!!!
Rule #1:If you open this you take it.
Rule #2:You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.
Rule #3:Tag 17 people <- heh i don't have to tag anyone now! LOL!!!
Answer True or False
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? False Q: Been arrested? False Q: Do you like someone? False Q: Held a snake? False Q: Been suspended from school? False Q: Sang karaoke? True Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? True Q: Laughed until you started crying? True Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? False Q: Kissed in the rain? False Q: Sang in the shower? True Q: Sat on a roof top? erm i can't really remember @.@ Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? False...i'll totally drown -.-''' Q: Broken a bone? False Q: Shaved your head? False Q: Played a prank on someone? True Q: Shot a gun? False Q: Donated Blood? False
Just be 100% truthful
1. You hung out with? erer *thinks* ah~ i remember now..the crazy bunch of wonderfuls LOL in the 'group' WTF HAHAHAHA 2. You texted? huisim @.@ 3. You were in a car with? my parents?? i shall sit in magikarp's car either tomorrow of on friday! =D 4. Went to the movies with? ...alicia,li jing and cherilyn i think...think... 5. Person you went to shop with? not exactly shop...the wonderfuls ~.~ 6. You talked on the phone? *checks* hui sim -.- 7. Made you laugh? bert ROFL 8. You hugged? hmm..good question..who DID i hug @.@ er...haiya i can't remember -.-
1. Sun or moon? moon 2. Winter or Fall? winter of course!! 3. Left or Right? right 4. Sunny or rainy? rainy~ 5. Where do you live? bishan,... 6. Club or pub? duno i haven't been to any of those @.@ 7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on? yup 8. Do you want to get married? ya...i guess?? 9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl~ 10. What time is it? 12.11 =O 11. Are you afraid of commitment? sometimes T.T 12. What is your greatest hope/wish? to study hard -.-''' and and to go to london + korea i don't have to explain why right LOL 13. Do you cook? only maggie mee my signature dish HAHAHAHA 14. Current mood? frustrated/worried
1. Kissed someone? no -.-''' 2. Sang? ya LOL "EH EH EH EH EH EH EH" LOL!!!!!! 3. Listened to music? what kind of question is this -.-''' of course i did! 4. Danced? the folk dance HAHAHAHA 5. Cried? nope 6. Liked someone you can't? no -.-
1.Who was your first prom date? haven't been to prom before @.@ 2. Who was your first roommate? my brother XD 3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time? i drunk something my cousin gave me but i only drank abit so i didn't get drunk XD 5. What was your first car? i don't have one @.@ magikrap~~ 6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? i've never been to one... 8. Who was your first grade teacher? that's like so long ago T.T i don't remember.. 9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? er..china,bei jing -.-''' 10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? LOL i didn't actually sneak out..i walked out..and came home at night! XD er with...almost everyone @.@ can't remember 11. Who was your first Best Friend? er...*thinks of her name* ying fang?!!? i think LOL 12. Who is your best friend? hmm not sure? @.@ 13. Where was your first sleepover? er chalet? last year or two years ago i think 14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? depends..normally i'll just keep things to myself... 15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman? never been to one 16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning? take my phone.. 19. First tattoo or piercing? none though i wanna pierce my ears but...i don't dare to T.T i shall pierce my ears..soon ROFL 20. First celebrity crush? ha! come to think of it...i can't actually remember @.@ 22. First crush? er...some person who played badminton with me almost everyday...anyway i can't remember his name and how he looks like already LOL so long time ago!! -.-'''
ok i'm done!! i must be damn bored right? ya right! *off to do chem..sighs*
{ 10:00 PM }
ah~ today's pe was damn funny we danced!! see see
LOL!!! complete chaos while turning XD nothing much happened besides that oh maybe something did happen...cass and geraint's fashion show HAHAHA i shall not post the pictures here *points to class blog* ^.^
so after school i went over to hui sim's house to give her the dnt pictures which mr chua asked me to guard with my life -.-''' and in the end what happened?? i got 'attacked' by her dog once she opened the gate wah *totally shocked* i'm not afraid of dogs if they just do their own stuff and not run towards me..but...her dog totally ran over lah!! wah *panic* lucky i never run up the stairs but i was running around in circles asking her to carry the dog in Zzzzzzzzz image gone *throws* LOL
anyway i better get back to what i was doing..*runs*
...Forget your worries and try to laugh loudly.....
Tuesday, May 05, 2009{ 11:21 PM }
seriously...people have their limits...i might just get tired one day...
Monday, May 04, 2009{ 9:34 PM }
ah~ we got a headache today Zzzzz didn't realise that it is so hard to get a present -.-''' anyway the timetable changed...and i keep having this feeling that we didn't copy down a few classes T.T oh! i shall do phy now wah finally my 'husband' isn't with me ROFL i have more time to do other stuff now ^.^ ok i shall end now! gotts do phy T.T
i am a very emo person~~ i write emo words here! emo emo emo emo emo i would laugh at you if you zoomed in to see this hahaha
Saturday, May 02, 2009{ 11:33 PM }! i shan't say anything much since i'm like 1/2 dead now T.T
LOL bert!!! XD
dinner -.- crystal...
*points at the blue thing* the sweet have blue light!!!! i wantttttttttt @.@
too much food for me to take -.-'''
LOL your trophy XD too bad cannot bring home one HAHAHA hand made by carmen somemore ROFL
anyway i had a sudden urge to cut my fringe T.T its so long!!!!!! @.@ *sighs* ok i shall do my d&t now before i die on monday =/
{ 1:58 AM }
ok so we were busy doing the video message the other day in our new secret hideout LOL and after that we took pictures..lotssssssssss of pictures HAHAHA all burst shots somemore *laughs* see!! damn funny XD anyway the pictures we took today are 10x funnier cause of something~ ROFL *starts laughing like mad again* ah~ its getting late...i shall post a few more pictures tomorrow when i get everything from darren meanwhile here's a preview of the pictures...XD ^.^ the things we did today are super funny XD ok i shall go to sleep now *sighs* i have to study the whole day tomorrow =/