Sunday, February 01, 2009
{ 1:25 PM }
heh since i've got nothing to do now i shall blog!! ^.^ ah one months is passing by quickly!!! even though its tiring to have the korean here but! they're just so fun and cute XD i'll probably feel empty and bored once they leave =( anyway...went to the hort park with the koreans yesterday!...i will never go there again lah!! (&^&%*(&%^ Zzzzz make us walk so much!! wah *faints* and and got nothing to see de loh!! -.-''' so after the walk..we decided not to go to sentosa =X so i went off walking around vivo and going to ikea with stella~ bought stuff and got 'lost' along the way *oops =X* see see so fun to go out with me right!! HAHAHA *runs away* ....i can't think of anything else to blog about HAHAHA so..i shall post picturessss *not in order*
^.^ retarded picture thingy in ikea LOL!!
my artwork!! ^.^ not the 'final product' though @.@ lazy to scan~~ maybe later...but then its so nice right!!! HAHAHA meHh must be rolling her eyes now =P what! chinese class is really too boring -.-''' anyway i have to show everyone my nice drawing skill ^.^
during training...Zzzz my hand was shaking lol
ha! ^.^...cassandra...
LOL!!! da eun's cute drawing hahaha!!! =D
the thingy at the chinese new year duno what thing LOL!!! look like some weird stars right!!!
and finally...the thing that made us laugh like mad LOL!! the fly stuck IN my ruler!! LOL!! HAHAHAHA really loh its damn funny XD cannot find another ruler like this de~ XD special!! LOL!!
done! hah! i shall do other stuff now...
p.s i've been sleeping very early these few days @,@
p.s p.s i wanna go to novena!!! =/ aish!