Monday, January 26, 2009
{ 11:49 PM }
ah~ CNY it feels like any other day though -.-''' somehow i didn't go visiting LOL so i was at my grandmother's house the whole day with yun young watching family outing HAHAHAHA like WOW i watch until so tired XD aish...we're going to vito's house tomorrow =/ i have to go even though i don't really wanna move LOL....i think yun young will be bored to death if we stay at my grandmother's house for the entire day again LOL anyway i have lots of stuff in my mind right now T.T gotta do lots of stuff so my mind's super messy @.@(that's why this blog post is somewhat messy too LOL) aigoo~ i shall clear all my work asap =P
yun young sleeps so early LOL!!! ok..random...anyway i have to sleep too ^.^ lets hope that i go visiting tomorrow LOL i don't wanna bore her =/(even though watching F.O is super entertaining XD)
i shall end with this...
^.^ kiaped this picture from liyana's blog *points to the cup noodles* HAHAHA
ah~ i feel so kind lah!! even though i wanna go out and 'run around freely' i'm resisting the temptation to cause of yun young -.-''' so nice right!! LOL!! if not for her i would pull hui sim to eat carrot cake with me again HAHAHAHA =P anyways..SLEEP!! ^.^
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
{ 6:27 PM }
ah~ everyone's getting sick!! *panics* and the heat is like OMG *dies* why in the world is it so hot -.-''' they're melting lah!!! =X anyways its the 5th day the koreans are here and they're starting to get sick and and!! i've learned how to take care of people because of this HAHAHA i just hope that no one else gets sick T.Tanyway...D.I.E so much homeworkkkkkkkk wah *faints* and and lighthouse REALLY SUCKS!! *throws my pen at her* Zzzz i really think that we'll die if we listen to her -.-''' ok anyways...i have to do my D&T i'm super tireddddd =/i'm starting to be cold but i don't know why =/heh shujuan i kiap-ed this from your blog HAHAHA =X
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! |
Disappointment | |
Being Alone | |
Death | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Looked down on | |
Commitment | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
whee~ i'm afraid to die O.O
Saturday, January 17, 2009
{ 9:34 PM }
whee~~ the koreans came!!! ^.^ hahaha fun fun!!! waited at the airport for duno how long the yi people didn't even come lah!! *&*^*&^*&%^% only their principle and vp came -.-''' anyway my buddy's still the same XD stella's sad that she her buddy couldn't come =( but then... jin shil is also nice what!! HAHAHA so funny XD yey! this will be a jam-packed month!! ^.^
{ 12:20 AM }
yessss~~~ its saturday tomorrow!! BUT!!...i can't rest!!!! &*^&*%&*%* aish!...anyways...stayed back today to decorate the 4th level spent duno how long folding those chinese things and stuff smelly~~ but a way LOL anyway i don't have anything else to do =X *dance not counted LOL* so...
ying hui brought a whole plastic bag of red packets!! OMG!! LOL!!!!!! seriously -.-''' i think he's been collecting red packets for duno how many years @.@then we started folding and stuff Zzzz i should have brought a needle!! -.- like wow i brought thread but not needles LOL so i made needles myself HAHAHA *smart* ^.^

lol so hardworking~~
XD this picture LOL uncle ar i didn't know that you were one of 'us' HAHAHA at least your pose is a bit more man in this picture *rolls on the floor* =P
more picture with ms ng!!! LOL gotta ask her to send the pictures to me =D
anyway...i went to eat carrot cake with hui simmmmmm ^.^ whee~~ make you walk HAHAHA =X so fun right!!!....we stayed there and talked/eat until duno what time ^.^ yey!! i haven't talked to you that much in a longgggg time ~.~ i will make more eggs for your birthday this year LOL
ohoh!!! and hor sandy!! that rambutan uncle is still there lah!! LOL!!! *faints*
ok sudden ending i shall sleep now HAHAHA tireddddd the koreans are coming tomorrow!!!!! omgomgomg
Monday, January 12, 2009
{ 10:30 PM }
aigoo~ i didn't realise that it was this bad T.T aish! i haven't fell in a long long while @.@ yes it stings but! i don't really care heh =P i just want it to heal!!! -.-''' i don't like that blue black!!! Zzzz
anyways...O lvl D&T question is out!! O.o lucky its not something hard ^.^ i shall work hard(=P) and get good results for my O's of course i must do well!! i sacrifice wonder girls concert for this ok!! (&*^*&%^&% ok...lit test tomorrow *runs*
Sunday, January 11, 2009
{ 3:21 AM }
i guess i don't care as much anymore...if i did i would have burst out crying due to the frustration by now...i can't help thinking if whatever i said or did was even worth it...2009 a new year...a new start...i'll think about its back to my old theory..again..*don't try to figure out who i'm referring won't know who it is*
Saturday, January 10, 2009
{ 12:40 AM }
this week is like WOW campfire was ok not bad i guess do do do do do doo~~ HAHAHA sung like 1000000 songs are they even related to the campfire?!?! T.T how is "head and shoulders knees and toes knees and toes" related to this?!? Zzzz ah who cares...lets come back again next year! HAHAHAHA!!!!anyways....i've been busy with...
yes~~ netball!!!! O.O ok i'm so tireddddd omg @.@one last thing though....
this is so amazing lah!!! looks like snow HAHAHA
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
{ 5:02 PM }
just to 'update' you if you care LOLTHINGS THAT HAPPENED!-i fell down like WOW-ss teacher is a joke *lighthouse* HAHAHA *rolls on the floor*-TOL isn't that bad afterall...or not-i think i'm gonna die cause of D&T-maths tution started and its still the same Zzzzz -i'm not scary....-i'm totally drained -.- dying~ok BYE LOL must recharge....
Thursday, January 01, 2009
{ 5:27 AM }
ITS 2009!!!!! WHOO~~~ actually it feels totally the same XD HAHAHA 2009 post...isn't ready yet =/ LOL!! i...forgot...again... =X oops i shall try to get it up asap...TRY...'s on friday!! OMG!!
~.~ i shall see all of you on friday then!! ^.^