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about me.
yes yes i know i'm taller than yao ming XD and i'm the weirdest and smartest person you'll ever meet =D

Sep6 1993
I simply love......^.^

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Sunday, November 30, 2008 { 11:51 PM }

O.o!! lj tagged me to do the quiz!! i haven't played with this kind of things for i duno how long HAHAHA ok so...


I LIKE WONDER GIRLSSSSSSSS.........SOHEEEEEEEEEE ^.^ (i can foresee everyone's reaction to this LOL!!)


i'm learning korean for wonder girls and my korean buddy =D


i locked my nobody album in my drawer along with my makers,balloons and ticket LOL (yes its really LOCKED LOL!!!!!)


i don't really like the things in my room to be neat =P don't you feel that its easier to find your stuff if your room is in a mess??


i seem to be a cold/scary person but i'm not!! i'm really not!!! LOL come talk to me and you'll know~~ ^.^


i'll get high if i eat sweets or chocolates!! LOL


i can't remember people's faces...i can but it takes me some time to remember the person's face @.@


i like to wear my fbt shorts while i'm wearing my jeans/shorts out LOL!!!!!


i'm more than i seem to be ^.^

FACT #10

i don't get irritated/angry easily cause i'll forget what happened after awhile -.-''' anyway what's the point of getting angry T.T make you older faster HAHAHA

there!! i'm done!! ^.^ whoo~~ *runs off* hungry~

{ 2:16 AM }

whoo~~ so i should really post the pictures before i don't have the time to @.@...they're not in order though =/
the big stitch we found at cine!! HAHAHA
spot the difference LOL!!!
-.-''' *stares at that two behind me*

lousy lah alicia!! shaky hands!! tsktsktsk!!!!!!!
-.-''' alicia has the "shaky effect" LOL!!!!!!
Zzz wth i was walking down the escalator T.T

see see her shaky effect HAHAHA
...1st she cuts cherilyn off....
then she used her shaky effect...
then she cuts me off *faints* WOW alicia is the best!! *claps*
that auntie made us wait so long *points to the red jacket person*

finally i posted the pictures LOL!! ^.^ i've been uploading pictures every single day LOL go see my wordpress @.@

so nothing much happened...oh oh!! i've got a new phone and hard drive today!! WHEEEEE *runs around happily* slide phone!! my phone can sit on the slide le~~ ^.^ ok! i shall take a picture of my phone and hard drive tomorrow LOL!! for now i need to sleeppppppppppp

Saturday, November 29, 2008 { 3:38 AM }

ah~ went out..tsk!! actually we don't need to go out de loh @.@ *stares at yong hong* anyways...after hmv...we went to the expo to look for kenny ^.^ i pity you~ LOL too bad i can't help you @.@
i wanna get a hard drive!!!! wah!!!!! =( i wish i could buy it myself sia ^&%#(&*(^% come to think of it i need to get the irony album too Zzz

ah~~ pictures of our outing that day will be up..tomorrow i guess...

Friday, November 28, 2008 { 3:29 AM }

ah~ T-I-R-E-D netball+going out with them+updating my wordpress=DIE *collapses on the floor* netball was fine but when you combine it with duno how long of walking you'll die and i've been updating my wordpress ever since i got home and i'm finally done with it *phew* wah exercise~ mediafire hates my laptop T.T anyways i won't let my wordpress die so fast LOL i just started -.-''' i'll try my best to keep it going ^.^ with some help of course XD ok its late..sleep~ i'll post the pictures tomorrow =D

Thursday, November 27, 2008 { 3:16 AM }

first of all..


went out today for that job thingy...it totally sucks even though the pay is damn high T.T *runs away from the job* so we went to ochard~~ ^.^ but i didn't have any money!! =( i've been going out with only $2 since yesterday HAHAHA stupid ah!! the picture are with alicia...i'll take them from her tomorrow and blog again LOL!!!

anyways...i created a wordpress for sohee!! go see and help me advertise!! LOL!!!
i'll try to update it as quick as i can ^.^ it finally "got up" all thanks to wonderful six and some help from sandy who advised me to get a tutor for wordpress instead T.T

ah~ its getting late...i have a long day tomorrow @.@

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 { 10:45 PM }

its only 10+ going to 11 and i'm damn tired @.@ *faints*

ah~ is there anyone out there who's a pro with wordpress?? -.-''' i don't really know how to use it Zzzz irritating i'll post the link of my wordpress once i know how to use it properly HAHAHA so someone must help me~ crystal! if you know how to do help me!! you will like this wordpress de LOL!!

ok...i'm gonna sleep at 11 cannot take it i'm dying =/...korea trip pictures will be up AGAIN when i have the time to upload them ^.^

even i have my limits...don't cross it...

Monday, November 24, 2008 { 2:48 AM }

ah~ thousands of things are in my head right now T.T Zzz...lots of stuff i need to think about....
and all of a sudden i felt like posting up all those pictures from our korea trip again @.@ ah~ it was fun while it lasted =/ hmm i might post them up...if i have time XD meanwhile...

~.~ we were so high up ^.^ ok not really LOL and i was wondering...that plot of land over there as big as singapore?? HAHAHA =X

Saturday, November 22, 2008 { 9:56 PM }


oh i just remembered something...this entertained the three of us for i duno how long HAHAHAHA LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah i'm so sleepy~~~ yesterday was like wow -.-''' we would be stuck at eunos if it wasn't for yixian's dad LOL thank you~~ HAHAHA...so i didn't for for the recording today(sorry =/) i went for training instead @.@ it wasn't as tiring as i thought it would be BUT!..the bad thing about it is that we're not running on normal ground LOL so hard to run *faints* ah~ i'm super tired...lazy to blog~~ =P

Friday, November 21, 2008 { 2:26 AM }

i should really blog about the bbq before i forget about it XD anyway...we(me,alicia,cherilyn,xp,xw,geraint,jh,brandon,jr and ct) got lost while taking the bus there so we took a cab instead...to think the guys could even get lost while taking a cab *faints* so we reached there quite late @.@ sandy,lj,mehh,greyy and jk were already there...me and alicia went to rent bikes then we went to cycle while the guys...i don't know what they were doing T.T...ah~~ its been awhile since i cycled ^.^ so fun~~ its not THAT tiring loh -.-''' lousy lah!! and sandy...don't anyhow scold small children!! tsktsktsk!!

came back...then louis,marcus,kp and timo came and the guys were trying to start the fire LOL headed over to the beach to play with the girls~~ and..lj drew this...
^.^ so biggggggggggggg...seeing this reminds me of melissa and gracia's bunny HAHAHA XD

so the bbq started...and the plates would never get filled up cause of marcus T.T pig...he eats everything once its cooked *strangles* i don't know how long we stood there for @.@ almost died and i had training in the morning T.T...so after we were almost done..we ate cherilyn's birthday cake!! =D *points go to alicia's blog to see the picture LOL* then..we took pictures by ourselves XD

WTH!! this is so unglammmmmm *points to alicia's face* HAHAHAHA

-.-''' LOL we kept taking pictures non stop in the toilet HAHAHA

me: want to take somemore anot??

someone(i can't remember who): continue taking lah!!

*keeps taking pictures*


haha so one by one everyone went home~~ only me,alicia,cherilyn,sandy,li jing,kar pak,timo and geraint were left...cleared up and..took pictures again!! LOL!!!

*ereases my face* i shouldn't have went so near to the camera T.T

^.^...after that we walked all the way to the food village to eat carrot cake!! nice nice!!! =D HAHAHAHA then li jing left..awhile later sandy left too =/ so the four of us decided to go to the wakeboarding area to sit...

then that's when my phone went swimming LOL!!! i was playing those retarded voice clips...then suddenly while laughing...i also don't really know why...somehow i think i hit alicia and my phone fell in!! LOL!! i couldn't go in to take it too cause i was wearing shoes =X so alicia went in to get it for me HAHAHA it was alive for awhile but it died soon after aww =( @.@ see my dead phone+the phone that i'm using now which somehow will turn off by itself at times -.-''' HAHAHA i guess i can't really do anything about it @.@ lucky i have an extra phone even though it keeps turning off by itself LOL

ok i'm done its so early now!! OMG i..need..to..sleep =/

p.s i know i know this post is super boring but i can't help it..see what time it is now!! -.-'''

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 { 1:18 AM }

....MY PHONE WENT FOR A SWIM TODAY T.T *faints* my unsaved contacts~~~

nvm on the brighter side i managed to get back the numbers of quite a few people ^.^ i shall continue to go around asking people for their numbers tomorrow LOL!!!

so today was...fun..tiring..retarded @.@ i shall blog about today tomorrow =D for now...i shall go do other stuff =P

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 { 1:35 AM }



haha so...i feel so lucky today ^.^ my sleep almost got interrupted HAHAHA *phew* must thank sandy for sms-ing me so early in the morning which made me put my phone in silent mode =D anyway...i travelled to the other end of singapore with sandy LOL *faints* so farrrrrrr @.@ lets not go there again XD and i was late for korean class -.-''' but class was ok~ the teacher can't pronounce refrigerator!!! HAHAHA
and...after i duno how long..i finally drank tea!!not sure what tea that was but..its tea!! O.o ok i think i have to change my habit of drinking coke to drinking tea ~.~ its healthier!!(as if it will happen =X) and and!!...i saw eunice,nurul,cass and huai ying along the way to class too!! ^.^ *shocked =O* LOL

ok so class bbq tomorrow...ecp...T.T hmm lets hope that it'll be fun and that it doesn't rain ^.^ i shall take pictures tomorrow!! =D i wanna eat carrot cake!! ^.^

p.s ah~~ all of a sudden lots of things popped up on my TO DO LIST @.@ i'm gonna be quite busy these two weeks =/ and lets not forget about that stack of holiday homework which i haven't touched at all ever since the start of the holidays =X

Monday, November 17, 2008 { 1:19 AM }


^.^ you reply your sms-es super fast LOL

Sunday, November 16, 2008 { 1:40 AM }

WHOOOOOOOO WONDER GIRLS WON 3AWARDS ON MKMF!!!!!!!!! *jumps around happily* wheeeeeeee~~~~~~

whoo~~ happy =D

Saturday, November 15, 2008 { 2:26 AM }

wheeeeee ok first...my SUPER SUPER overdue pictures HAHA i've finally decided to blog about them XD...only two lah tsk!!....outing with ah mah after vito's birthday celebration ^.^ see what happened to the innocent tissue(?) from starbucks HAHAHA *click to enlarge*

Zzz i have no idea why we started doing that T.T ah mah! save the earth lah!! don't waste tissue~~ LOL!! can see her hair HAHAHA i can't really remember what we did...i only remembered that we went over to the merlion place LOL duno where's that @.@ the starbucks there felt so christmas-ish lets go out again~ =D

anyways...we while looking at the video just now...we found our faces on the sbs telecast of the concert HAHAHA see see
LOL we were parading around the stadium with the boards LOL!!! lucky i covered my face XD yh is the only one who 'revealed' his face HAHAHA see see lucky i didn't put the board behind me head @.@
LOL!! i'm not there but...HAHAHA UNGLAMMMMMM =P
Zzzz ok...all of these pics are unglam T.T *hides my face*
HAHAHA yixian cannot run away also ^.^ all 5 of us got 'caught' LOL!!! er somehow in this picture the person behind with the 2PM board catches my attention more maybe cause her board is super big T.T(p.s i kiaped the pictures from kenny's blog ^.^)

wheeeee today was...ok? LOL went out with sandy now i feel so retarded XD...we were trying to figure out how to say lion in chinese HAHAHA see our retarded convo(not 100% correct)

[EDIT!!! i typed it wrong the first time HAHAHA]
me: *talks about the man getting killed by the tigers..*

me: eh..tiger in chinese is lao hu..then lion is...hou zi??..eh no hou zi is monkey LOL..
sandy: is it tu zhi?? eh! tu zi is rabbit T.T...chang jing lu?
me: no lah!! i thought chang jing lu is giraffe loh T.T long neck what!!
sandy: ya hor...hmm...i remember lion is two word de...
me: yaya!! *thinks* is shi zi isit?!?!
sandy: really meah??...don't sound right...
*after saying shi zi quite a few times*
me: ya hor..the more i say the more wrong it sounds...hmm..
sandy: see!! not shi zi lah!!
me: but then sound right but sound wrong leah =/....i know!! call alicia and ask her lah! easier!!
*calls alicia but she didn't pick up her phone T.T*
me: she never answer...but should be shi zi what!!!
sandy: aiya!!! don't care lah!!
me: LOL die our chinese fail XD...your chinese same level as me sia!! HAHAHA
[awhile later...sandy's friend called her...]
*sandy talks to her friend and as always..i'll "cut in" 1/2 wah HAHAHA*
me: eheh ask him how to say lion in chinese
sandy: orh..*askes him...*....is shi zi T.T but really don't sound correct!! *puts down phone after awhile*
me: see see!! but...how to write shi zi ar...*thinks*

and the convo goes on and on about the chinese words we duno how to write HAHAHA ok i feel so retarded now -.-''' i need to go read more chinese books LOL @.@..actually i've totally forgotten about this convo...i just happened to remember it all of a sudden XD....

after that i went home and attempted to bring my laptop out but...it was too big -.-''' so i went out without it =P i shall bring it out the next time if i can XD...sat at coffee bean for a few hours LOL and and!! i've concluded that starbucks caramel ice blended is nicer than coffee bean's!! =/ and the three of us(me,apple and kenny) were watching videos on kenny's laptop LOL...wg's performances etc ^.^ wgm is LOL!!! HAHAHA wheeeeeee

O.o!! its a longgggg post and and its getting late!! =/ *sleeps*

p.s i keep replaying the same song over and over again LOL!!

p.s p.s the video on geraint's blog is really T.T the old woman is trying to seduce us lah!! *vomits* HAHAHA

Thursday, November 13, 2008 { 10:00 PM }

.........i woke up so early today lah!!! *faints* so training got cancelled because of the rain(O.o wah it really rained today LOL the weather report was right @.@) ~.~ ah~ so i just ran out yesterday LOL..suprisingly..my mother didn't say anything HAHAHA ~.~ next week we shall go to the next stop ^.^...i must bring my laptop this time -.-''' wah actually i'm not allowed to go anywhere but then i'm so bored =X wheeee sohee ahhhhhhh =P
ah~ wgm is so tempting..*runs off to watch it*

p.s so hot,irony,tell me ah~~ i wanttttttt ironyyyyyyyyyyyy *runs around*...i should really save LOL suddenly so many cd's popped up in HMV..even crown j's fly boy =O

p.s p.s eeeeee i don't like sbs!!...anyhow cut cut cut tsk!!

p.s p.s p.s O.o...sandy...you really look bald HAHAHA

p.s p.s p.s p.s wah so many p.s-es HAHA...i forgot that i have a super overdue-ed post @.@ LOL i just saw it oops =X

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 { 3:17 AM }

ah~ its been exactly a week since the 5th T.T *depressed* i'm still thinking about everything that happened @.@ HAHAHA *sigh* one day i will really go back to the exact places that we went to to "replay" everything again even though kenny said that it won't be the same feeling as before @.@ *inserts lots of pictures* ^.^ and..i'm still spazzing HAHAHA

anyways..training today was..hmm..fine i guess..to think that i thought i was late T.T make me walk so fast for nothing @.@ oh and and..friendly match next training against SCGS =O somehow i have a feeling that i've forgotten about something about that school XD ok i don't think that makes sense @.@ ok..its so "early" now!! =O sleeppppppppp

p.s i don't care!!...i just love her and her pontianak style =P *defends her*

Saturday, November 08, 2008 { 11:40 PM }

ok so before i continue...


so i went out on friday..nothing much i guess...i only remember laughing like mad when we called uncle lk HAHAHA *chokes* super funny lah XD *louder~~* anyways...we found this!!so cute!! HAHA i shall draw that out when i have time =D come to think of it..i have another thing on my list to build before christmas @.@ i hope it turns out well cause it'll be so pretty if it does ^.^

i'm still repeating scenes from those 2days in my mind LOL *sigh* i'll be stoning alot more now @.@ anyway...my nobody album and poster!! ^.^ yey!! =D wahahaha nobody album*points to the top right hand corner* whee~~ i won't ever ever ever give that cd to anyone ^.^ haha all my wg's stuff except my magazine is here ^.^ tell me cd,so hot cd+poster,nobody cd+poster and the concert stuff ^.^...i'm only short of the irony cd @.@ *runs around thinking of what to do...calls sandy* HAHAHAHA =X

O.o! its getting late @.@ goodnight~~

LOL super big boards @.@

p.s ah~~ i still haven't done a proper proper blog post @.@ soon soon ^.^ wait till i'm thinking straight XD

Thursday, November 06, 2008 { 11:27 PM }

ok so i didn't go for training today @.@ my maid called me up at like i duno what time asking me to go for training but then..i was a lil sick -.-''' see no wonder girls=no energy...all the sickness that have been kept for awhile because the wonder girls were here 'came out' today LOL so i went back to sleep to wake up around3 with a splitting headache =/

ah~ today made the past three days feel like a dream @.@...the past few days were the best man!! i'm super happy that all that happened ^.^ if i could i'll try my best not to forget those three days ever!! especially yesterday!! wah~~ i hope we can see them again!! ya up till now its still like =O i just wish that they would stay here a little longer @.@

ok!! its super late now!! sleep~~~

{ 2:13 AM }

ok so today was THE BEST!! ^.^ whoo~~ i'm super satisfied though they didn't see us in the airport =/...ah~~ i cannot post any pictures though aww =( anyway i'm super super tired now T.T the only thing that gave me energy these few days is wg LOL once i stepped out of the taxi i ran super fast to look for them hahaha XD but after everything's over...i 'died' LOL!!...ah~~ at least they saw us!! ^.^ ye eun kept waving to us!! hahaha whoo~~ i like her more now! =D

ok so..i'm gonna go sleep before i die T.T...


p.s...pictures of some of the sg wonderfuls LOL...see the super big boards @.@

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 { 1:33 AM }

OMG!!! SOHEEEEEEEEEEE =O ok..i have to sleep now..tired @.@

...i'll do a proper post after tomorrow ^.^

Tuesday, November 04, 2008 { 12:53 AM }

^.^ airport today!! but..wg's flight was changed T.T ah~~ nvm...anyway we were already there..it was fun but tiring!! @.@ i was like exercising can LOL...holding the boards for i duno how long waiting to see them...oh oh!! i saw seo in young!! ^.^ whoo~~~ she didn't turn though =/ but she looks exactly the same as when you watch her in tv!! =D O.o!! i saw U-kiss too!! LOL oh oh and afew members of 2PM too!! then they saw us!(ok actually i don't think its hard to see us considering the size of the boards @.@) but..i duno why i didn't see andy lah!! sad~~..anyways..

..i need to sleep now..netball->airport->concert tomorrow @.@..i'll update about vito's birthday and more about today after all this is done ^.^

Monday, November 03, 2008 { 12:32 AM }

i kissed a girl just to try it ~.~ lol addicted @.@

LOL okok i know i'm supposed to blog about vito's birthday...another day another day~

ok and..i've gotten my nobody album! LOL whoo~~ poster~~ i shall take a picture of it another day ^.^ ok..i need to wake up early tomorrow =/

Sunday, November 02, 2008 { 12:37 AM }


i shall blog about today tomorrow ^.^ tired~~

p.s i'm liking shinee more now =X ah~~ minho~~

Saturday, November 01, 2008 { 12:33 AM }

ok so today was hmm...fun i guess LOL sentosa->night safari....i totally didn't think of the fact that we'll be dirty after sentosa T.T but we still went to the night safari hahaha XD so....

12 of us went there...see
12 cards!! =D...it was super hot while we were walking to the beach BUT! once we reached the beach and changed...the sun went to hide -.-''' wah!!i wanted to tan loh!! tsk!! sad~~ *stares at the sun* played volley ball and frisbee...actually it wasn't really tiring -.-''' i only started to sweat alot when i played with lj hahahaha!! fun fun!! *runs here and there*(oh speaking of running...my toe doesn't hurt that much now!! ^.^ happy~~ it won't hurt if i don't touch it @.@..i think i'll be able to train properly on tuesday =D whoo~~)...okok pictures~~(only afew =/) ~.~ see the dark clouds T.T
LOL i cut of lj =X oops @.@
*takes a picture again* there! ^.^ hahaaha!!! XD
HAHAHA...DON'T ERASE!! *protects the words*^.^ hahaha i'm so smart~~

so after awhile we headed off to eat dinner before going to the night safari along the way..we saw... squirrel!!! =D ok you can't really see it T.T slowly find~~ its so cute!!! hahahaha then...

so halloween...night safari was...=/...wth lah!! i'm super afraid of this kind of stuff @.@ the zombie jump somemore *screams* wah i don't think that i've screamed like this since forever(fyi its rare to see me scream like this ok!! i don't normally scream @.@) -.-''' not to mention i kept holding on to alicia's hand and pulling kp's bag when he was walking infront of me =X LOL sorry ~.~..

see!! wtf damn scary right!! (fyi i wasn't with them when they took this LOL..i was outside..telling the masked man that i'm afraid to go in again HAHAHAHA)..the chinese jumping zombie is even scarier *faints* i'm still scared when i see this picture lah!! T.T

i don't think i'll go there again even though there's only like i duno how many things that scared us(wah if there were more i think i would really cry LOL) @.@..its scary ok!! i'm not afraid of most things but this kinda stuff scare me to death T.T...anyways..

these two clowns are like LOL!!(even though i don't really like clowns =/) *points to the one behind me* HAHAHA

ok..we didn't take alot of picture there cause we were busy screaming T.T anyway..that's all!! LOL

p.s i just realised that we didn't take a group photo!! =( i forgot~~

p.s p.s going out again tomorrow -.-''' tired~~ this is really a super packed week @.@ *faints*

p.s p.s p.s i'm broke how am i supposed to go out?!?! wah D-I-E!! i still need to get the boards you know =/ *thinks of what to do*