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about me.
yes yes i know i'm taller than yao ming XD and i'm the weirdest and smartest person you'll ever meet =D

Sep6 1993
I simply love......^.^

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Thursday, October 30, 2008 { 10:54 PM }

ok..i feel so hardworking T.T i took so long to arrange these pictures ok!!! *faints* anyways..our tripleJ outing ^.^ jaime's birthday!!...belated birthday LOL (green,purple,pink =D)
so..off we went to..the AIRPORT!!! HAHAHA alicia!! airport!! airport!!^.^

...korea~~ yes yes when i saw the word incheon...the first thing that came to mind was our korea trip T.T..i wanna go back~~
T.T that faceless chicken i'm so kind to take this from you blog ok!! LOL i didn't post the original picture =D
i just realised that..jaime's the only one who took a picture when the words were in korean -.-'''

so..the first thing we did was...EAT!! ^.^ whoo~~ carrot cake~~ even though it took the uncle 100000000years to cook it...its not bad!! =D *eats carrot cake* hahaha i MUST show this picture to kimberly LOL!!
she looks happy with her food~~ LOL but looks can be deceiving!!
this one also!! luckily i bought carrot cake~~ =P

then...dessert! @.@ the uncle didn't want to help me keep my plate LOL!!

me: er..wo chi bu wan le...

uncle: ke yi de lah!! man man chi..chi de wan de!!!

HAHAHA!!! LOL...i still didn't finish it in the end =XLOL!!...*looks at the guy behind* hahaha!!!
O.o!! apple ate ice kachang~
jaime's happy with the balloons!! =D helium balloons you know!! dragged all the way from novena LOL you know when i was standing in sq2 everyone kept staring at me!! T.T to think i almost went to take the mrt @.@ you know...it isn't easy to walk to the bus stop when the balloons are flying here and there -.-'''(did i mention how good my phone is LOL i dropped it again and it's still in one piece! ^.^)
but!!..i 'threw' the balloons to apple once i saw her HAHAHA =X oops~
=D jaime's happy with her present!! THE BOX...*faints*
btw this is inside the box ^.^..sweets...=D yes..our missing box HAHAHA
...ok...i know...i wrote my name a lil to small T.T cannot help it LOL
candy empire!! @.@ sweets~~ ah~~ i didn't buy anything T.T
DEPARTURE~~ *flys off to korea*
O.o! bye~~

and apple stays in sg HAHAHAHA ^.^ i'm almost the same height as jaime! =X LOL i grew taller in a minute =D
....so near yet so far @.@
-.-''' tsktsktsk
LOL!! we can see her smile hahaha
off to the next terminal ~.~ LOL actually you can see all of us in this picture hahaha *points points*
-.-''' to terminal3~~ come on! *walks* (LOL the come on word reminded me to coach hahaha!!! @.@)
...we were like models!! LOL!! ANTM ar @.@
...LOL jaime hahaha...and...i didn't realise that i was under the number3 T.T *stares* ~.~

ok! i'm finally done LOL that's pretty much what happened yesterday..and the box went missing T.T hahaha oh yeah! there's class on monday! -.-'''....homework~ *sigh..tries to recall how to do it*

anyways...had training today =D actually its not as bad as the first one hahaha its wasn't that tiring..no vomiting feeling ^.^ and the coach is nice~~ =D trainings are getting fun-er LOL i'm just happy that she isn't like ms amy T.T *phew* one more thing..i'm so dead @.@...my toe nail went blue black AGAIN!! T.T how?!?! pain~ i don't know if i can run properly =/ DIE..training's next tuesday somemore...and the other time when this happened..it took about one week or more for it to 'recover' *sigh* i..don't..know..what..to..do if it still hurts on tuesday @.@ i HAVE to get new shoes -.-'''

ok now off to bed!! blog again tomorrow!! =D WAHAHAHA night safari~~

p.s...it seems like there's lots of pictures of jaime T.T and there's only like i duno how many pictures of apple @.@ hahaha!!!

p.s p.s...진씨! if you're reading this...forgot to tell you that we took a picture of something in your handphone pouch ^.^ *runs away fast*...fierce face ar~~

{ 12:54 AM }

..just when i thought that my body aches were ok..they got worse today T.T pain pain~~ my back,hand and leg hurts =/ almost died carrying my sling bag T.T how~~ there's training tomorrow!! i don't know if i can survive ~.~

anyways...even with all the aches..today was quite fun ^.^ i shall blog about today tomorrow or something...i just hope that i'll still be alive tomorrow LOL!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 { 10:28 PM }

ok i don't know if you're reading this...or if you even know about my blog but...
=D *inserts your picture and dbsk's picture here* LOL!
tomorrow tomorrow~~ ^.^

training today almost made my legs break off @.@

{ 12:21 AM }

so..training tomorrow @.@...new coach...*shivers* i just hope i don't die =/ anyways..i was just looking through the pictures i 'collected' over the years...more like the pictures that i haven't deleted...LOL!! look at our faces and hair!! HAHAHAHA *rolls on the floor* all of us changed!! ^.^ 3floor used to look like some gangster LOL ah~~ too bad most of the pictures are gone =( i still remember we used to take pictures at the staircase in sec1 i think...LOL!!..i don't have them anymore @.@ ok..i need to sleep!! training tomorrow XD...
hahaha ^.^ this was in sec1/2?? XD lol =D netballers~~

Monday, October 27, 2008 { 12:51 AM }

ok so..about two months of holiday T.T what am i supposed to do @.@ *sigh* anyways...i've got the jacket already lah!! LOL stop asking *strangles* i went to ps to get it @.@....j8's store don't have my size HAHAHA

anyways..this week is gonna be a packed week @.@

tue-first trg with coach..i hope i don't die
wed-i MIGHT be going for the outing...i duno..depends =/
thur-trg again LOL
fri-sentosa+night safari!! LOL..i'm gonna wear a cap+hood+specs so that i can't see clearly LOL later the thing pop up i also duno ^.^
sun-...normal..ah mah house~~

hahaha see see full house!! HAHAHA =X only monday's free and maybe wed if i can't go out =( ok lah..actually i'm free in the afternoon after trg..but i have the feeling that somehow i'll have something to do XD

~.~ LOL i can't recall what i wanted to say HAHAHA =X i shall blog again when i have something to say ^.^

p.s i think there's something wrong with me..hmm..did i like hit something?! *recalls* die @.@

Saturday, October 25, 2008 { 12:38 AM }

hahaha!!! ok so i woke up in the morning because of alicia LOL yes yes i didn't know what time you wanna meet what so i sleep loh!! XD headed for bugis street @.@ that auntie bought her bag while i still couldn't find any jacket that i like =/

then..we went off to bugis junction!...sakae!! ^.^ yes yes i was the only one who didn't get 'pregnant' after eating! wahahaha =D whoo~~ you know why they ended up like that?? come i show you what we ate..
LOL!! our whole table was flooded wth salmon!! HAHAHA we eat until wanna die liao XD..too..much..rice haha we were bloated =O after eating the two crazy woman stacked our chopsticks -.-'''
-.- okto lousy lah~~ waste one pair of chopstick!! you must spare a thought for the trees you know!!...its not easy for trees to reproduce!! HAHAHA!!!!! =X

then then..marina square!! oh did i mention...i found a jacket that i like at FOX!!! =D whoo~~ i'm gonna go and get it when i wake up tomorrow~~ ok..pictures~
-.-''' lousy lah~~ cut off your own head HAHAHA
^.^ eeeee why isn't she smiling tsk! you should be happy since you've gotten your jacket!! @.@

then..far east~ O.o happened to see felicia but she didn't see us its been i-don't-know-how-long since i saw her =O cousteau =/ haha haven't seen them in such a long time @.@ anyways..nothing happened at far east -.-'''

ok...i think there's more but i can't really remember anything else =X so..off i go! ^.^

Friday, October 24, 2008 { 12:36 AM }

last..day..of..school...and i didn't really do anything =/ @.@ i just wasted my last day in school LOL ok so i poofed after school -.-''' ms chng wanted to talk to us about the coach yes..we're gonna have a coach =/ and the training days are like =O i'm so gonna die *sigh* so i think i'll won't be that free during the holidays...see..

-trainings every week..i'll be sleeping in late the day after...
-competition in dec
-class chalet
-k class
-k pop concert
-CIP!! T.T (how to do?!?!)
-holiday homework(OMG)

=/ i don't know if there's more but ya..that's all i can think of for now LOL ah~~ my holidays~~ *faints* ok...i shall blog again tomorrow or something =X lazy~~

p.s i look like some eskimo now LOL

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 { 8:54 PM }

@.@ tomorrow's the last day of school!! =(..i'm not happy or sad..neutral~ LOL i have netball after school lah!! T.T last day of school somemore =/..

so today..go back our report books..for me..my result paper only T.T no book XD apparently my report book ran away from school -.-'''...heh...i shall write the rest of the post in point form..lazy~

-it rained..AGAIN!! T.T
-i've finally got a pullover LOL...i shall wear it during the chalet ^.^(heh i wanna get more more!! =P)
-walked around to get my buddy something @.@
-saw marcus and just when i though he wouldn't shout "WONDER GIRLS!!"...he did T.T
-i didn't buy my drink in novena!! how~~ =(...i shall go get it either tomorrow or friday~~

ok that's about all..so easy to put in point form ^.^ wah~~ but i really wanna go out on the last day of school leah =/ *sigh* ok nvm..its for south zone..shall go out on friday then!! ^.^ ok for now..i need to do some stuff then sleep!! i'm really tired =/

p.s i love my a lil over sized pullover! ^.^ i'll wear it if i have the chance to! =D

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 { 8:46 PM }

ok!! now i like i know too!! ^.^ nice nice!!! hahaha!!! i know i know i know~~ and and!! somehow i think that son ho young looks a lil like shirota yuu..abit lah~~ it's really niceeeeee go click on the song i know on my playlist below!! go go go!! heh its been on repeat on my computer ever since just now after dinner LOL ok!! enough about this...i'm supposed to sleep but i can't!! T.T i need to wait for my mother...i need her to sign the form!! wah~~

ok...today finally after i don't know how long..they gave us the picture we took in korea!! ^.^ happy~~ see see

these two pictures are scanned into my computer..but..if you zoom in it won't be clear =/ so..i used my camera to take a picture of the pictures!! LOL...zoom in le quite clear leah~~

^.^ it isn't easy to take a picture of it loh!! T.T

ok so..I DON'T NEED TO STAY BACK FOR TWO WEEKS~~ WHOO~~~ yey!! happy~ XD...anyways...training was ok T.T..the rain and the o level's basically stopped us from playing LOL...ok i can't think of what to blog..tired~~ *goes to sleep now*

{ 12:57 AM }

heh school..kinda sucked? *sigh* nvm~~ its over~~ LOL i just wanna see if i need to stay back for that two weeks -.-''' and and! i wanna know if we'll have the same form teacher again next year @.@ on the other hand..me and xp had a sudden urge of retard-ness!! LOL! can le can le can le can le LOL!! say that in chinese @.@ it entertained us for almost one period lah!! HAHAHA then...home! LOL i didn't go for the netball thing =X...i was lazy...anyway i figured that if i went for it i would be late for k class for sure @.@ so...i went home to sleep instead =X...class was..fine? at least i understood what she was teaching ^.^ i'm getting a lil better at reading the words!! LOL whoo~~

*sigh* come to think of it..this year flew past so fast =/ all of a sudden the holidays are coming!!..i think i'll make some sort of video to sum up the whole year ^.^ now.. camp! ^.^ hahaha i still remember the big ants...LEECHES!...but we had fun despite everything ya?
...OBS!! ^.^ yes yes i don't think i'll forget about this any time soon it really showed me what i can do and how much my friends have an impact on me in my life =D..we worked hard for that 5days..we went through everything as a group..who were once strangers then we became closer...those 5days seemed so surreal..but..what happened when we were thrown back into reality? =/ cousteau..
frisbee interclass! ^.^..we worked hard and got 2nd even though we had so little pe lessons...this shows that our class can do it if we went to ^.^ come! lets try to win whatever there is next year! =D (T.T i sound like some tour guide or something..come!)
national celebration!..aka alicia's birthday! ^.^ yes yes i still remember those things i folded T.T our combined hard work =D haha i'll try to give you something nice again next year ya?
wonder girls/boys!! ^.^ yes yes the work we put into our dance @.@ staying back to practice even though we weren't that free...trying so hard to learn the dance..staring at the screen to see how its done =D haha i guess it was fun ^.^ with vito and all his dance videos LOL outing outing!! ^.^ hopefully everyone can come =/..oh and and..ah mah's voice is sexy today~~ LOL drink more honey~~ ^.^
korea trip!! =D how can i forget? it was F-U-N! hahaha this was what started wonder girls/boys in the first place ^.^...haha aww..how i wish i could go back again =(...have dinner at my buddy's house...staying up late to draw that picture for my buddy...going to take those neoprints(LOL)...going on that boat thing...*sigh* it was fun while it lasted =D need..to..go..back...again!! LOL haha
yes yes and my buddy! ^.^ somehow i have the feeling that she's still the same -.-'''

LOL i can go on forever if i don't stop @.@...yes yes making a video seems like a good idea ^.^ i shall try to make one..hope i can make it considering that fact that i'm not very good in these things =/ so for now..sleep!! ^.^

Sunday, October 19, 2008 { 11:13 PM }

whoo~ so the week ended i was bored up till now..all of a sudden i have lots of things to do LOL ^.^....so nothing much happened...oh~ i went to mustafa!! LOL in the middle of the night somemore =X to..get..earplugs!! HAHAHA damn smart lah -.-''' whoo~~ supper!! LOL ok i'm not normal XD carrot cake and a lil bit of maggie mee~~ ^.^ off to sleep now!! =D

hmm..i'm sorry?..and its your birthday too =/

Friday, October 17, 2008 { 9:15 PM }

..haha i found out that i only have ONE picture T.T tsk we took so many but i only found one inside my camera T.T cherilyn! you go delete all isit!?!? =( sad~~
*sigh* anyways i went out to get ear plugs just now T.T but it doesn't seem to work!! LOL i can still hear leah @.@ tsk!! ok i've gotta go!! ^.^

ok since i can't do anything now cause i'm listening to the radio...i shall blog!! ^.^

so...we've FINALLY got our frisbee medals after 975934658years!! i even forgot about the whole thing already lah! T.T and somehow our class won the thing..i can't remember what it is =X then then..you know..i was like standing there buying chicken then suddenly i heard the sound of birds beside me..
*turns to look*
*OMG! shocked face =O*
*moves further away*
LOL i really got shocked XD i thought that they wanted to attack me or something XD

went home to change and headed for the movie! ^.^...really loh! i would be sleeping if i wasn't so busy disturbing alicia XD *copies the person:HA HA HA* =D then we had the thought of going to changi airport again! LOL but we went somewhere else instead...

lj:eh lets go on a food hunt
alicia & cherilyn: huh?? funan?!?!
me: huh what got?!?! *looks at the map*

LOL!!! then we went to a place called chomp chomp T.T...carrot cake!! die! i just ate that yesterday =X then played some number game!! wah~~ you see i've got the after effects of the game you know!! now i'm like confused with almost everything -.-''' @.@ ok i think i shall stop blogging for now...i'll edit this later when i'm back on my laptop ^.^


Thursday, October 16, 2008 { 10:07 PM }

eeeeeee today was so super boring we had the sexuality talk for the whole day you know!! *faints* sit until my butt pain T.T BUT! the good thing is..alicia is beside me! ^.^ *lies on her* HAHAHA ~.~ so that was what we did THE WHOLE DAY wth!! tsk!! then carrot caked with sandy ^.^ i was late..AGAIN...i think cherilyn passed her lateness disease to me =/..and we realised that mark chua and mr tan is always at novena rinking coffee!! LOL T.T keep seeing them there XD ok! novena tomorrow!! gotta go ^.^

p.s alicia! don't be sad~ er..i let you listen to wonder girls song want?? ^.^

p.s p.s eeeeee i'll be so bored tomorrow =( anyone going out? LOL pull me along XD

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 { 7:58 PM }

hmm..today was rather..nice? LOL..got back chinese and d&t...I PASSED CHINESE!! ^.^ *runs around happily* LOL so..we basically did nothing except for POA T.T then the rest of the time i was flooding hui sim with my wg talk and taking pictures with them T.T *points to wei ting lol!!* see~~

LOL!! i'm like staying in the same position T.T
see!! LOL tsk! i was sms-ing i don't think i moved XD
...T.T half of her face got cut off XD
....^.^ i'm gonna continue to flood you with wg talk!! =D
*points* cherilyn is there~~ XD
LOL..eh..she looks overly happy XD then she liked my marker so much and all of a suddenly..we got drawn on T.T
LOL...hui sim got drawn on the most XD
wonder girls!! ^.^ happy~~

that's about all~~ ya..we spent our time in school doing that LOL then...i choing-ed to novena after everything ended...then...i saw the long queue!! LOL!! then after everything..they've gotten the tickets already!! ^.^ THANK YOU!!! ^.^ yes yes if it wasn't for the both of you i wouldn't be able to get the tickets =D now the ticket thing's been settled i can relax~~ LOL ya lah ya lah i will really give the both of you a proper treat the next time T.T

hmm..results were not that good =/ *sigh* what to do? no point being super depressed until i want to die right LOL might as well look on the brighter side!! do better next year!! my maths and chinese improved you know!! though its only by a few marks but..improve you know!! ^.^

school tomorrow!! and school's gonna end at 12.30 too!!! ^.^ happy~~ i think we'll be slacking again -.-''' hmm except for ss T.T ok anyways...i shall poof now!