Tuesday, September 30, 2008
{ 9:44 PM }
whoo today feels liks a friday even though its not! LOL!! ok so mt paper was ok..and..as i expected...i did sleep T.T BUT!! for awhile only!! LOL really lah!! even alicia can't stand it! *reads 1st paragraph..sleeps* XD i slept for less than 5minutes LOL! but i don't know how many times i slept @.@...dammit..i've gotta do something about my *sleeps everytime i see a whole chunk of chinese words* XD ok so after the paper we debated on what to eat and where so after i don't know how long(i think very long loh!! LOL) we finally decided to go to..NOVENA!! =D ate ljs~~ then then..korean shop!! of course!! LOL how can i not go there when i'm there! XD then we just..sat there..i don't really know what we were doing =X i only remember stuffing sandy's i duno what that is into my shirt LOL and i forgot about it!! XD see!! lucky i suddenly remember if not your bm gone ar!! =P then we headed home cause alicia needed to T.Tso i thought that i'd do the usual things when i go online..watch videos etc..but then! i remembered that i had something called a webcam!! =D so i pulled sandy to play with me!! hahaha!!! i am so smart!! fun right!! =D we even took pictures! LOL
1st time..and i realised that sunmi was my msn background @.@ i totally forgot!! LOL i don't really use my desktop that much =X..so...
i changed the background to the one i use when i'm using my laptop! =D miso! XD see! edit like this lah!! see still can see sohee's face!! how can edit away her face de!! XD ok..retarded =X then we had a problem whether to erase our convo or not so we solved it by..
scissors paper stone!!! =D so smart!! XD i win=eraseshe win=don't eraseand..i won!! LOL!! *points to the picture* HAHAHAHA!!!! *erases the convo~* whoo~~ its been a long time since i webcam-ed with anyone @.@ and you know what...she looks like she's from the dark side cause of her dark room and i'm from the bright side cause of my bright room!! LOL!!! ~.~ ok i've got some overdue pictures T.T actually only four XD
7+!! and we're still..
sitting around!! LOL!! tsk!! the mirrors make my body look weird @.@
and and i realised something the other day while playing with my camera..
you see..my computer screen looks clean right!!(tsk! if you can see..don't comment about my hair!! T.T) but then..
its actually filled with fingerprints! LOL!! i didn't know that it was this dirty loh!! XD and how am i supposed to clean it?!?! i can't even see the finger prints LOL
okok that's all i have..for now..i've gotta remember to study for chem and ss tomorrow!! @.@
{ 12:40 AM }
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHMAH!!(STELLA~) 70YEARS OLD READY!!! DON'T KEEP NAGGING AT ME AR!!! =Dok quick post before i fly off to another website XD phy paper was i duno fine i guess =/ so tomorrow's chinese...i hope i don't have the urge to sleep once i read the passage @.@ all the words!! omg and and wg's concert is gonna be on feb next year!! WTH!!! i can't go lah!! &%%^*(^*& *depressed* ok wish me luck for chinese! LOL *reminds myself not to sleep* T.T
Sunday, September 28, 2008
{ 8:07 PM }
EDIT!yes i'm done with phy!! =D at least i could recall how i managed to do all those questions in the past! =D...i think LOL yes my mind's gonna explode from this T.T non stop studying for 2hours you know!! i was like a statue with my computer infront of me and listening to nobody which was on repeat for 2hours LOL see now i feel giddy from all this recalling T.T and not to mention the amount of memory space i had to use for all the formulas and stuff @.@ *faints* i've gotta wake up early tomorrow morning to revise again!! tsk!! why must phy be the first paper!! &^%&*^&(* i hope i won't flunk phy =/ and...GOOD LUCK FOR EOY EVERYONE!!ok the exams are starting tomorrow but i don't feel the stress-ness of it at all @.@ DIE!! i worry for myself LOL yes physics paper tomorrow...in the hall..without aircon!! OMG!!! we're gonna die from the heat!! @.@ and my nose is still running but at slow speed so..if someone keeps sniffing in the hall tomorrow..sorry~~ XD ok shit the paper's tomorrow and i'm still blogging!! *runs off to study*p.s i think i'll be mia-ing for awhile...i think =X STUDY!!
{ 12:36 AM }
i..am..actually..very..tired @.@ but then i HAVE to blog!! if not i'll forget everything that happened today!! =( dammit i think i'll just do a quick post so i can re-read my post tomorrow and remember what happened today! =D HAHAHA ok so...today was ok...was bored during pe so i decided to play with hui sim! =D so smart~~ hahaha!!! then then nothing happened T.T stayed back with alicia for her guides..at first i only wanted to stay until 5+ but then somehow i stayed till 9+ LOL tsk!! make me miss wonder girls comeback!! @.@ so we cooked...curry~~ there's potatoes too!! =D ok ok i shall just stop here LOL i'll complete this post tomorrow if i can remember what happened LOL anyway i have pictures in my camera..shall upload them tomorrow =D GOOD MORNING!!*points not morning ready! =D*p.s i think i won't be able to talk properly tomorrow cause of our super long byeeeeeee LOL!!! and...you should really see my dustbin...its overflowing with tissues..LOL three days worth of tissues T.T i want it to stop ~.~ i'm lazy to blow my nose -.-'''
Thursday, September 25, 2008
{ 11:29 PM }
yes my nose went on a marathon LOL 2nd day T.T it was worse than yesterday *blows nose* and its not easy to blow your nose if you're me you know!! xp is like next to me..*stares at her* don't make me laugh when i'm blowing my nose 1/2 way lah!! LOL!! tsk!! so today it became a habit for me to locate the dustbin the the classroom hahaha!!! you won't know if you aren't next to me XD retarded i wanted to go home and not go for chem remedial but...i went for it anyway -.-''' i went for tuition at night too!! tsk! i had a reason not to go but i still went for tuition!! =D i'm so guai~~ ok i think i'm gonna go sleep soon..my nose just turned into a tap that can't be turned off!! @.@ hope i'll be fine tomorrow..i don't want tomorrow to be like today!! =(...i have things to do tomorrow!! @.@ busy busy~~ ok..just..
S.M.I.L.E!! :)p.s can anyone tell me how to get rid of my runny nose?!?! T.T
fyi if you think that i don't give a damn about what happened...i'm actually thinking about it and just to let you know..i didn't really think before i said what i said =/..if what i said really hurt you...i'm sorry i don't want to loose a friend cause of something so retarded..@.@ but what am i supposed to do?? T.T
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
{ 11:10 PM }
JOYCE ISN'T FEELING ALL THAT WELL! =/ BUT SHE MIGHT BE FINE AFTER A GOODNIGHT'S REST..I HOPE T.T hahaha...ok that's all i've gotta say..and..if i look angry when you talk to me..i'm not..i'm just not feeling all that good @.@ so sorry~~p.s...i didn't know that my words would kill...~.~
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
{ 4:25 PM }
whoo~~ superband yesterday was =D i didn't scream for screamm(i just used the whistle XD) cause i was afraid that i'll get a sore throat but..in the end i've gotten a sore throat T.T ok not really..at least i can feel it coming @.@ i've really gotta look at what i eat LOL i've got lots of things to do but so little time!! *runs around frantically* so i finished my d&t!! =D luckily my textbook is at home(yes i found it! =D) hahaha my throat is really killing me @.@ my voice doesn't sound sore..its just that my throat hurts irritating...ok so...i've been letting people listen to nobody LOL nice right!! tsk!! i downloaded it again this time louder!! yes! i'm gonna let ya'll listen to it again tomorrow!! =D...i don't really have anything to blog about cause i can't remember anything @.@ oh yeah!! d&t the other day!! we made some box thingy..see see!!
=D i wanted pink.BUT!! i was too slow =(
so i ended up with green,black and white @.@ its a lil out of proportionate though =/
=D at least it turned out well XD yes yes i'm gonna end this post now..i feel like cutting my throat T.T pain!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
{ 9:58 PM }
EDIT!D-0!!!! 9hours+ left!! so it'll be out around 10+?? T.T no~~ i'll be in school at that time!! &^&*%^&* to think i wanted to countdown and see how this thing will change when the time is up @.@ irritating tsk! O.o 10days just flew past ~.~
school tomorrow! -.- B-O-R-I-N-G!! *sigh* OMG OMG one more week to EOY!! wah~~ it finally came i've really got to study hard now @.@ gonna go get math assessment books tomorrow and and to whoever that will be beside me when i'm getting my assessment book..please do me a favor my chasing me home right after i get my book T.T i've got to do phy 10yr series for the test on tuesday and i don't have time to do it at night! i can only do it in the afternoon @.@ so..please pull me home..thank you~~ i don't expect to ace the test cause its like chem! OMG i wanna at least pass -.-''' anywaysi went to my grandma's house as usual...and...there's this super BIG tic tac!!! OMG
see!! i told you so!!..if you're not convinced...
its like the same size as my mouse!!! LOL!!! i've never seen this before @.@ ok i've gotta go now..p.s i want nobody nobody but you~~ =D *jumps around happily*
Saturday, September 20, 2008
{ 12:35 AM }
ok i'm TIRED!! T.T i've got lots of things to blog about...i'll blog tomorrow!! i promise!!meanwhile i'm gonna go sleep ~.~
p.s ah mah keeps talking about the fish and chicken!! @.@ you are a evil ah mah! we have to go out after the exams!! this time i will know that i'm eating the CHICKEN!!! =D
Friday, September 19, 2008
{ 12:01 AM }
frisbee interclass today!! we got 2nd for both the guys and the girls!!! =D happy~~ so i've got lots and lots to picture..but..i'm too lazy to upload them T.T i shall find a way to upload all my pictures XD yes~ and and i got asked to join the distractors ~.~ but i turned them down =X its not that i don't like playing frisbee its just..i don't know =/ *runs around* ok so tomorrow's friday! and i've got nothing to do tomorrow! =O i shall study~ =D at the same time i can upload the pictures here! XD..so..i'll just stop here and continue tomorrow or something =P sleep~ oh yeah...my camera died on me 1/2way!! &*%&*%&*p.s i've got a bruise on my knee!! LOL somehow i'm happy about it? XD its been super long since i got injured or stuff like that! whee~~
Thursday, September 18, 2008
{ 1:48 AM }
=D so..i made me ic today~ LOL actually is nothing one loh T.T so boring lah!! ok so school was hmm..quite boring?? i don't really recall any interesting thing that happened @.@ *sigh* oh! but i took pictures! only two T.T
hahaha!!!! yes yes geraint has the best facial expressions XD and you know what..when i took this picture..there was flash i was like OMG!!! *immediately puts down my cam* hahahaha!!! almost got a heart attack T.T next time before i take a picture i must remember to check if the flash is on or not XD hahaha sorry for 'blinding' you with the flash! XD three times somemore =X ok so...i managed to get what i wanted today...half boiled eggs!!! nice nice!!! =D LOL and i saw mc pancake at novena too! XD oh yeah..interclass frisbee tomorrow @.@ i wanna take pictures whoo~~ =D oh and and i've started studying bit by bit~ =D we have three tests tomorrow you know!!! &%&^&*^(& what is this man!! T.T not to mention i have netball after interclass AND tution after that! wtf i really hate tution -.-''' ok look on the brighter side...at least friday is after thursday XD like wow ok i gotta go now...sleep~~p.s superband anyone? screamm~
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
{ 1:25 AM }
~.~ i'm super tired right now T.T the orals just killed me no~~ i read wu jie lu as niao jie lu -.-''' tsk! ok anyways...training! =D today's training was fun~~ the basketball coach came again~ did new drills..we haven't done stuff like this since i don't know when! =D then we played a match with the guys it was seriously LOL!!! *laughs like mad* from this...i learned that...geraint can't shoot XD and roy can't catch the ball LOL!!! haha!!! *recalls what happened* XD it was fun!! ok so...i'm gonna go make my ic on thursday yes...thats like the last day i can make my ic T.T or maybe i shall skip math remedial tomorrow =/ hmm...we'll see...i don't wanna fail math!! @.@ ok so this week is packed!! *headache* i didn't realise that i had to stay back almost everyday =( and and EOY's coming...i can see it!! *studies* oh i suddenly remembered...if i'm not wrong..ah mah(stella~),nurul and eunice gave this to me..i think =X
=D hahaha its too small for me to hug to sleep so i hung it there~~
*click the pictures to enlarge* and since i was taking a picture..i might as well take a picture of my whole bed XD yes my bed is pink~~ with bears! LOL!! hahaha yes my wall is full of stuff...they've been there since two years ago??!! =X...not to mention i have all my harry potter books beside me XD and somehow my chem file ended up on my bed LOL yes yes now you know how my bed looks like! XD ok i think i'm gonna sleep now...i think i should blog earlier the next time T.T my post is like so dry~~ P.S may i remind you that joyce looks at things a lil differently than other people =D so don't try to understand how i think if you really can't =P
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
{ 12:23 AM }
whoo~ the new week has started ~.~ and i have the feeling that its gonna be another tiring week again =( tomorrow alone i have two tests you know!! and not to mention oral after school and netball after that!! *faints* ok so..didn't really do anything today T.T hmm..i bus-ed to apple's house after bathing @.@ i took the bus!!! =D LOL ok..i had a lil help here and there LOL at least i reached her place safe and sound ok!! *phew* so we made the stuff for the teacher then..the three of us were kinda late for lesson =X ~.~ the teacher almost cried when she got the gift you know!! then she cried when the whole lesson ended =( 10lessons just flew past like that ~.~ *sad* now my mondays will be amazingly free LOL it'll feel super weird lah!! like..'eh its monday..ah shit..there's no lessons today T.T' ok it might not be that much of a bad thing anyway i think i'll be resuming lessons in a few weeks time LOL so meanwhile i think i'll spend my time studying for EOY yes i'm starting to worry for myself..math!! @.@ oh yeah..the pictures i've taken are already in my computer..but i won't upload them today @.@ too much trouble..i'm gonna go sleep now *sleeps* tomorrow is gonna kill meP.S i think i'll edit this post tomorrow or something(MAYBE)...somehow i feel that i typed it in a i-am-dying type or manner LOL
Monday, September 15, 2008
{ 1:43 AM }
whoo~~ i've got a new camera~~ yes yes though its not pink but its niceeeeeeee =D so my weekends just passed by like that =/ gotta study~ test! test! test! test! @.@ ok so today was really an unproductive day T.T basically i just revised a lil of korean tsk! i should have brought my books there with me T.T and i did something useful just now~~ =D happy~ i'll post it up tomorrow after i've given it to her =D i think 99% of you will faint when you see it =P its my master piece you know! XD ok so i created another blog @.@ i'll post the link up when i feel like it..anyway i don't you'll wanna read whats in it @.@ so for now..sleeppppp i shall blog again tomorrow~
Saturday, September 13, 2008
{ 11:51 PM }
O.O! today was a tired day ~.~ so...i woke up late LOL lucky i didn't off my phone if not i'll never wake up XD the sp talk was hmm..i duno LOL..'i see the light!' ~.~ then...we went to eat and saw indriani from far LOL...haha O.O! i didn't know that she came back to sg -.-...haven't talked to her in awhile =/ so we met..wilfred! hahaha he turned out to be a nice person!! =D and he knows quite a lot of people too!! hahaha...tsk!!! see lah never take picture!! now i cannot really remember how he looks like @.@ so after that i went to look for the evil white chicken to get stuff for the teacher...by then i was really 1/2 awake=stoning every now and then LOL yes yes and the dustbin caught my attention!! i wanted to take a picture of it but...i forgot =X retarded lah~~ i didn't take a lot of pictures today =/ only two XD but i'm lazy to upload them~~ i wanna sleep!!!! i shall blog again another day..my eyes are closing @.@ sleepy~~
Friday, September 12, 2008
{ 11:01 PM }
!! =D finally the week's over *phew* i don't know what i did but i was really super tired throughout the week =/ to think i wanted to use my saturday to sleep @.@ now i have to wake up at 8.30 to get to school ~.~ after that we still have our project to do @.@ best...they just stole my sleeping time from me =( ok i shall not moan and look on the bright side...er..at least i get to wake up before my bro!! LOL is that even a good thing @.@anyways..this week...i've been randomly scribbling korean words on my foolscap and the ledger paper thingy with different people LOL!! see
*click to enlarge* =D done by sharine and me..that lousy girl..*points to the right side* LOL i wrote all the correct words ok!! all the words that don't exist were written by her @.@ lol yup..this is what we did during chinese lesson when ms nah wasn't here XD hahaha!!!!...there's another one too!!
*click to enlarge* LOL its like fresh from the oven XD we just did this during chapel in class XD at first i was just writing wonder girls and the korean chinese numbers then suddenly cassandra turned around and she wrote the real chinese numbers LOL we had trouble writing some of the numbers in chinese =X hahaha!!! then then after awhile...cherilyn started her 돼지 craze again that's why you can see the word there LOL!! yes yes..then suddenly i had the inspiration to write the sentence about the flower there! so smart right!! it rhymes too!! =D LOL..haha you can see that we really had nothing to do =X oh yeah....i just realised that i wrote my handphone number there!! LOL!!! *erases some of the numbers* hahaha!! =X
oh yeah!!...we've got our class tee~~ i think its ok so don't keep complaining tsk! at least we've got something to wear you know!!


back..its ok right!! T.T ok ok so..after school i went home to wait for alicia to be finished with her guides stuff ~.~ i should have went to sleep you know!! tsk!! so after waiting for i duno how many hours she finally called me XD so we headed for..NOVENA!! =D hahaha..we ate ice cream ~.~ =D nice~~ and the place happened to have a big mirror so...we took pictures!! hahaha

is it me or does alicia's eyes look weird??@.@

this looks more normal~~

....~.~ we love the mirror XD hahaha
so we called..er..wilfred LOL gonna meet him tomorrow for the project T.T we're hardworking people~~ oh! oh!! we ate kfc too!!...and and the guy really looked like a girl loh!! tsk!! stop saying that i can't differentiate between a guy and a girl!! T.T ok..now..pictures~

..=D we can use almost everything to take a picture XD

=X alicia's head got cut off XD..haha the mrt came so i didn't notice =X LOL
ok so we went home~ along the way...me and alicia met this super scary woman its like OMG!! i duno how to describe her but she's SCARY!! lol!! i walked at a super fast speed home you know!! T.T almost got a heart attack LOL ok so...i just wrote a long post! =D hahaha!!! i'm gonna go do other stuff now!
you cut me deeper than and any sword possibly could =/..but..i'll try my best to 'turn you back' =/