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about me.
yes yes i know i'm taller than yao ming XD and i'm the weirdest and smartest person you'll ever meet =D

Sep6 1993
I simply love......^.^

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 { 11:05 PM }

O.o the week's gonna end soon!! WOOT!! ok i've been looking forward to the weekends ever since forever lol why??...cause i can sleep until any time i want!! which is like..normally on saturdays..3!! hahaha anyway school's been boring as usual =/ and math test was a killer!! what kind of easy math test is that?!?! wtf?!?!grr to think i studied for it lol speaking of studying.. i haven't memorised the korean words yet!! no~~~ test on monday T.T die!!! i wanted to study today BUT!! there's a d&t test tomorrow=study for d&t~~...well not really i'm like trying to recall what he taught..i don't even know which chapter the test is on =X...come to think of it...i don't think anyone knows which chapter its on lol at least alicia and cherilyn doesn't XD...anyways..i had the hmm..how to say it..weirdest?? breakfast the other day...

wang wang!!! LOL!!! hahaha i was like..eh?!?! what kind of breakfast is this!! LOL!!! tsk after uploading a random picture i feel like putting more random pictures =D...
melissa gave me this today!! =D though i not that of a big fan of theirs but..thanks!!! so cool!! its super big!! one of my biggest posters XD even bigger than my wg poster!! LOL!!!..compare!!compare!!
LOL!!! hahaha wonder girls so hot!! so hee!!...ok i'm getting carried away lol...
my apple tissue!! LOL!! its not a NORMAL tissue packet ok!!..look what's behind..SEAT RESERVED!!! its a useful tissue to help you 'book' your seat!! LOL!!!..special people got special tissue XD

...see our timetable -.-''' i know you're wondering why in the world did i keep my timetable for XD...cause...i sent the picture to my buddy XD i bet she doesn't know how to read it lol tsk tomorrow late recess!! see!! ss stole our recess ~.~
alicia!! remember this picture!! look like you leah!!!
XDDDDDD i still find this picture super retarded XD hahahaha!!!hmm..somehow i have alottttt of random pictures in my com XD maybe one day i shall do a random post filled with random pictures =D...that'll need to wait lol..exams exams!!!...shall update again another day..training tomorrow!! -.-''' did i mention that my leg almost 'broke'(not really break lol it was just super pain XD) last night lol i was thinking if my leg was still hurting today i won't go for training tomorrow but somehow i have healing powers and its fine now XD ts hope it doesn't happen again tomorrow..i'll die its like super pain lah! not the first time though =/

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 { 12:45 AM }

back from korean lesson!! wasn't as bad as i thought and and i learned new things!! LOL i'm so proud of myself to be able to STUDY something new XD (so smart =D) but but the worst thing is..there's a test next week!! OMG!! how in the world am i gonna pass T.T DIE!!! to think common test is coming and i still have this korean test to worry about lol and yes i DO study for the common tests ok!! its just that i haven't started yet XD oh and did i mention i have the cutest buddy hahaha!!! i received her e-mail just now and the way she greeted me was like LOL!! i can totally imagine her saying that XD its like
my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL!!! hahaha ah~~ i miss my buddy~~i keep the neo prints in my wallet lah!! lol!! ok sudden change of topic...i NEED to sleep now!! training tomorrow T.T
P.S fried mars bars are nice hor sandy!! every monday must pei us go to ps ar!! XD

Saturday, July 26, 2008 { 8:47 PM }

OMG!!! wondertubbies!!! ah~~ so hee!!!! ah~~ i'm repeating the video over and over again and smiling like some mad woman =D ah~~ this made my night man!! happy~~ ah~~~ *screams* ok ok i'm really super high now!!

whooo~~ today is saturday~~~ and yesterday was friday!!...ok it sounded stupid..-.-''' anyways..had pe yesterday!! wasn't as fun =( bored~...other than that..nothing happened..*sigh* how boring can it get =/ anyways...i've got new internet today!! mio~~ don't really know if its good cause i can't feel the difference lol and and i finally did something with my korean book!! LOL!! i did my homework!!(why do i have the feeling that i did my work all wrong =/) translate the names of your family members to korean!! took me an hour to do it LOL!! at least i tried!! =D...anyone know why everyone's doing the jump style thingy?!?! i don't get the point of doing it -.-''' i feel that doing tell me is more worthwhile right? =P ok i shall stop and start with the pictures =D
nice right!! 1st picture leah!! my nice face!!
yasmine~~ if you're reading my blog..you know you love me! tsk don't lie XD

was supposed to randomly take pictures and somehow cass is smiling at the back
geraint lol!!
.....look at cherilyn! XD...and geraint at the back posing for me XD

ok that's all..bye~~

Friday, July 25, 2008 { 12:04 AM }

O.o i'm back to blog!! this week's been quite hmm..busy i guess..tests~~~netball~~~korean lesson~~~ whoo~~~ LOL!!! lets start with the korean lesson...its was hmm..confusing?!?! i really had no idea on whta she was saying at the start but after some thinking and helping from the guy beside me i finally understood!! LOL!! and fyi..yes..my korean is as bad as my chinese =( but ah~~ since i'm learning it i'll try my best!! =D...tests!!! poa,ss and chem all on one day and we had phy test but i can't remember when it was one i'm proud to say that i passed my chem and phy!! =D as for ss and poa...abit cannot make it =/ and there's netball this week!! i duno if i should be happy or sad lol...well..today's training was..*speechless* nothing to say =/ *sigh* ok i've got pictures~~~~~ shall put them up tomorrow cause i wanna go sleep now~~

Saturday, July 19, 2008 { 11:15 PM }

cip~~ woke up at 6.45 in a i-really-don't-wanna-wake-up mode and it was damn cold!!! one ht way i kept trying to keep myself awake by rubbing my eyes lol...nurul said that she drove past me and her father thought i was crying!! LOL XD we headed for vivo and sat there for like i duno how long -.-'''...oh yeah..we moved flowers too XD..sharp~~ then lunch and balloons!! i accidentally burst a balloon -.- i was like pumping it then i saw a hole so i stop then it burst XD hahaha sorry cassandra!! it was like under your elbow @.@ we gave out flyers and balloons too!! now i know the hardship of giving out flyers..no one wants them!! i give to the small girl you know..she just stare at me and took the paper lol..balloons are easier to give out..little kids want balloons even poly students want them!! XD...its like i'm giving flyers to the small children and balloons to poly students LOL!!! and it was a hot hot day..*sweats*..we also watched the schools perform and...catholic high's perf was like OMG!!! nice!!! i didn't know rapheal could dance!! ah~~ should ave recorded the perf =( the rest of the perf were ok...ai tong's one was also very nice..wu shu!!..ok that sounds so retarded...i need to sleep now!!...shall upload pictures when i have them...

Friday, July 18, 2008 { 11:08 PM }

today was..hmm..short??..pe!! its the first time i sweat during pe!! LOL really lah!! old liao old liao =( one week without netball and i run like a old woman lol...but its F.U.N!!! touch rugby!! WOOT!!! hahaha..*touch*..the only problem for me is that...the ball is not round!! wth!!!...cannot catch properly -.-'''...didn't imagine the game to be this fun XD...joan is like LOL!! hahaha!!! ah!! bee!! oh and physics test sucks!! wah~~ i think i'll get really low for this test =(...ah anyways...my com is irritating me...wth lah!! i can only open one window as in...if you click on a link in a website another window will pop up right..for my com its like..*clicks on link* *windows explorer is not responding* wth?!?! any computer expert can help me fix this com?!?! i was like trying to watch kbs just now lah!! grr irritating and and i just remembered that i'll be at vivo tomorrow..no~~ sad~ the whole day leah!!! -.-''' ok we took some pictures today but its with alicia lol...oh i just thoght of this...i've finally found a bag that i like!! my style!!! hahahaha!! but i have no way of getting it &^#&*^$ i shall not give up and see if any other place sells it...=D..ok now for sleep...

Thursday, July 17, 2008 { 11:44 PM }

nothing much happened today..ok fine..i forgot what happened today =X now i've accidentally found something to add to my want list thing is longggggg XD...actually is three things hahaha i shall save for it(that will take years) XD...nvm i shall at least get one of the things i want! =D ok i can't think of anything to post right now cause everything in my head is currently wonder girls and physics -.-'''(yes i actually studied for the test tomorrow =D) oh! and one new thing that just entered my head...

Hey girl Girl girl Hey you go girl De-le De-le that that that girl Girl girl Hey u go girl Baby baby baby baby girl~~

~.~ i have no idea why i'm listening to this XD...anyways...sleep~~
p.s...imeem is lagging~~ =( i take ten years just to get to one song wah~~

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 { 8:51 PM }

O.o i went home early today MIRACLE!!! hahaha thought of going out again to look for hui sim but..i was too lazy XD..so i just stayed at home and watched shows =D no regrets watching it XD oh oh!! and....somehow i cut my tongue -.-''' i have no idea what i ate lol after eating my lunch i was drinking water then i tasted something like blood i thought that it was nothing then i drank some more water and i was like eh?!?! really got blood leah lol..*runs to the mirror to check*..i thought my teeth was bleeding in the end it was my tongue -.-''' retarded at least it stopped bleeding XD...oh and i've got a mysterious cut on my thumb too! while walking home i realised that there was a little blood on my hand XD wth hahaha i was like..O.O...ok anyways..everyone's talking about friendship..i also wanna say but they all steal my lines! =(...ok i'm bored..i shall find other things to do =D

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 { 10:34 PM }

O.o sorry for the late post..i accidentally fell asleep just now XD..now i'm feeling hungry =(..anyways...today was FUN!!! lol its been awhile since we all went out together and this time we have a new member!! LOL XD geraint!! hahahaha anyways..school ended at 12.30 WOOT!!! but we still had lots of books with us -.-''' being the oh-so-smart me(wahahaha XD) i found a way to get rid of my books =D light bag~~ ok ok so we went to j8 first to use the toilet...cannot help it..i need to go to the toilet XD then we trained to er..city hall!! i must test if i can get to the school by myself if not i'll be running around city hall on monday not knowing where to go XD but we found our way to the place yey!!...after that we window shopped at this ulu ulu place lol...the door bell lao hong de loh -.-''' lousy but its damn funny lah XD retarded...then then we went to marina sq!!! hungry~~ so off we went to the food court~~ bought our food and..er..ate?!?! lol..somehow kirb and sandy were on a diet or something XD eat so little!! after that we laughed like some mad people(i wanted to say mad woman but i remembered we had a new member XD) super funny lah!! next time we go out we should have geraint+roy to come with us XD we'll laugh like mad for sure!! our cheeks were like damn pain lah!! after that what we did was mostly window shopping,talking and taking pictures!! i just realised that its been a long time since i took this many pictures...feels like we're in sec2 again~~we should do this more often lol anyways...i shall stop all this typing and show ya'll the pictures~~btw the pictures are in random order...
...its hard to see him this normal..cause normally he would be like...
hahahaha same face he made on his blog XD
~~finally we're not that yellow-ish
~~~O.o i see sandy behind...
see the gap in between us..sandy was supposed to stand there and somehow she walked away LOL!!! hence we look like we're taking a picture of the two people in front XD
me!! kiap-ed from alicia's blog..lazy t post the pictures of the rest..see me can ready lah =D
also from alicia's blog...look at geraint!! LOL!!
i think her bangs just made her square-er!! =X
....i just thought of something..sandy is at her home!! marina SQUARE!! hahaha XD square square!!
~.~ hello mama ar~~ wo jing tian bu hui jia le ok XD(random sentence made up by me lol)
....where is geraint looking at?!?! lol
~~ us =D
somehow they were emo =(
XD..it looks like i'm stalking her lah lol O.o and a picture of the back view of a school girl reminds me of so hee!! LOL...

O.o...i didn't realise i had this little pictures..anyways...the rest are with lj~~ forgot to get it from her lol...i'm gonna sleep now...i feel like a pig..been sleeping ever since i got back XD nites!!
p.s if there's any mistake in the post tell me..i'm like typing this while im 3/4 awake lol

Monday, July 14, 2008 { 11:52 PM }

lit homework is killing me -.- i've been flipping and re-flipping chapt8 for the past hour trying to complete the homework lol dying~....school today was fine..all i've got to say is..SHARINE FANG IS A PERV!! OMG!!! lousy girl!!! i shall keep my wg pics away from her she keeps looking at the wrong things *tsk tsk tsk* oh oh!! and and...i'm gonna learn korean for real!! WOOT!! was supposed start class today but i was late so i have to go early next week to make up for it lol...=D i'm hoping that i can actually remember what i learn -.-''' i'll die if i forget everything i learn lol..gotta go read korean storybooks XD the only words i can actually remember are 소희 and 원더걸스 that's all lol best ar XD ok anyways its late~~ and i'm gonna go sleep~~

Sunday, July 13, 2008 { 9:29 PM }

...O.o...no i've got a goal for me to study 'hard' yey!! hahaha can't say anything until i confirm it XD...anyways..i've got a new addiction!! lol quite a weird addiction XD but who cares its fun!! =D oh!oh!! just remembered that...there's no netball for the whole week!!! wah!! lucky ar(i can't say why)!!! lol...ok i've got nothing more to blog about since i don't have any pictures =(...and and...*a random thought* i think that taeyeon is not that bad!! lol random XD...
p.s..my buddy hasn't e-mailed me in a week!! wah~~ she must have run off to play and forgot about me sad~~ =( evil little girl lol

Saturday, July 12, 2008 { 12:38 AM }

today was normal i guess...only thing was that my stomach was damn pain for i don't know what reason(but now i know) lol...pe! i got a 'present' from cass hahaha thanks ar! XD actually its nothing i'm just afraid that it'll be super obvious and ugly lol...then ss!! the way we sat was like wah~ i like i like!! haha but i don't like the test -.- i forgot about sri lanka stuff lah!! so i just wrote whatever i can remember lol..duno if it answers the question =/....went to eat with sandy aft school..and and..we randomly saw lee kwang when we went to the coffee shop near my house!! LOL he was with his sis..i think lol..tried to do poa when i reached home..i cannot do the last question!! wah~~ i kept trying but i couldn't get the correct answer -.-''' so i just gave up anyway we had to hand it in by 9 so...i went to meet roy after giving up on the last question lol he didn't even do one question lah!! -.-''' so clean XD..his handwriting is nicer than mine lol he's at the pro lvl XD see
retarded!! and while i was editing my paper he drew this...

-.-''' not really clear but ya..i used my hp to take of course not clear lah XD....wanted to wait for alicia but it was getting late then i don't wanna go home so late cause it would be dark and roy wanted to go home to eat his dinner which he was eating 1/2 way -.-''' so we went to hand the papers in..i almost got hit by a FRISBEE(spelling by vito XD) again!! LOL!! heng ar!! it rolled past my leg XD i was like O.O like that also can hahaha ok i need to sleep now~ tired~~

p.s...roy's normal song is not normal at all loh!! its made up of random noises made by kirb...him and...chin teck!! LOL!! XD what kind of normal song is that -.-'''

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 { 10:51 PM }

BACKKKKKKKK and tired @.@ school today was hmm..normal?!? ss is like LOL!!! gas mask=face mask,terrorist mask LOL!!! damn funny lah!! hahaha match after school!! with yuan ching WAH THEY'RE THE BEST MAN!! hit me twice some more -.-''' lucky my head didn't crack the 1st time the just ignored me -.-''' but the 2nd time really got sound i think she got scared lol she was like *eh sorry ar...you ok anot cause my shoulder hit you leah* in a cold tone i was like *huh? ah ok lah..my head never crack ok liao* lol she's the most evil C i've ever met!! tsk tsk tsk fiona best lah!! hahah pour water XD *claps* ok i can't blog anymore cause i still have my chem homework to complete!! ah~~...pictures? hmm..i shall try to take some if i can XD i'm starting to dislike school because of the homework wah~~

Tuesday, July 08, 2008 { 9:38 PM }

OMG i still have lots of homework left undone!!! howwwwwwww and and the worst thing is...I TOOK HOME THE NETBALL KEY BY ACCIDENT!!! WTH!!! OMG!!! i found the key in my bag when i opened it just now ah~~ die!!
..webcam-ing is fun yo!! but its not as fun being the only one who shows my face see see who's fault *tsk tsk tsk* the weirdest thing is this sentence which was never said to me before..."i see noodle hanging from your mouth!! OMG!! you're not a normal girl!!" LOL!! it was something like that hahaha i was eating maggie mee at that time and noodle wasn't hanging from my mouth lah!! -.-''' that's the weirdest thing anyone said to me.."you're not a normal girl" hahaha then what am i lah!!! anyways i wanna go sleep now...

Monday, July 07, 2008 { 11:39 PM }

went to watch hancock with alicia,cherilyn,vito and vito's friends XD..the show's ok i guess..retarded lah!!! hahahaha and and we saw chocolate!! she was watching the same show as us and we didn't even realise it!!!...after that we left vito and headed for marina square...saw iqa at the mrt station lol i was thinking who in the world is that person waving to me and then after 10secs i realised that it was iqa XD hahaha..went ard to walk walk and i bought something...duno what its called though XD and and cherilyn's obsessed with shades!! not my fault!! i only said that i wanted to buy white shades XD... only picture we took while we were at marina lol we arr look weird here -.-'''
we also saw this..it looks like a normal light thingy but..
the light is actually this picture!!! LOL!!! i accidenatlly pressed it and saw this hahahaha ok enough crapping..continue my 'story' XD

....we went to starbucks after that cause cherilyn wanted to drink coffee..after sitting down for awhile we..saw...leah,fiona,jia le and their friends!! OMG i didn't know that they were there until alicia told me!! after cherilyn finished drinking her coffee we headed for central!!!...alighted at the wrong place and got approached by this guy lol wanna donate money?? -.-''' then i caled my auntie for help hahaha retarded lah!!..so since the mrt station wasn't really filled with people we decided to take pictures!! haha

...too far..*goes nearer*
ha now you can see us!
...what is alicia doing?!?!
..*cuts alicia's face into half..you only need to see my face lah don't need to see alicia's face XD..actually you can't even see my face too dark no~~
..is it me or cherilyn looks like she's eating ice cream?!?! hahaha
.....somehow i look weird....=(

there isn't really anything at central except for the small donuts XD..while walking we saw this thing.. its a real keyboard lah!!! you have to plug it into your com!! wah~~ never see before~~
'A' man!! hahaha ok that's all i need to sleep~~~duno if i'll be able to use the computer tomorrow..hmm..

Sunday, July 06, 2008 { 11:16 PM }

ok i said that i'd post the new korea pictures i got and here they are!! hahaha i'm like damn good lah upload sooooo many pictures for ya'll to see..its like 90% of the new pictures i got hahaha cannot help but to upload all of them XD after this my blog will be stretched~~ now...for the pictures..i shall write what i can remember about the pictures lol
while going in to the thingy..we were like celebrities lah!! everyone were taking pictures of us!! =D hahaha i can still remember that feeling LOL
random picture while we were outside the toilet XD
taken while waiting to go on the plane..there's another picture but it looks weird with a random man at the side lol
no comments...though alicia's head looks weird popping out from the side XD
the old man who helps people get married the old fashioned way!
our tour guide~~kinda forgot her name =X
look at sharine fool!!! hahahaha see her hat XD
taken while eating cause i realised that there's a mirror there XD...look at the food...O.O
on the boat~~
cherilyn and sharine's buddy...actually cherilyn's buddy is pretty~~ lol
..........i can see su zin(is it spelled this way?!?!) in the background!! see see i remember her name XD
....my fringe!! its in two parts -.-'''
lol sharine~~
O.O we're all looking the other way -.-''' only shermaine's looking here hahaha
the korean teacher who knows how to speak english!! hahaha
the school's principal!! haha he's super friendly!! i still remember when we met him for the first time at the airport we thought that he was the tour guide =X he kept touching my fringe LOL!!
hahaha my buddy!!! =D cute right XD
sharine really never smiles...
O.O my hair!!! actually i don't remember taking this =X
this picture again!! this time matthew's in it!! lol
with keng yee's buddy~~ she's so small lol
yellow bag!! striking!!
~~~the two finger thingy whatever its called they seem to like to pose that way lol
on some train like thingy lol
~~at some culture thingy...lots of old houses~~
its a bull!! but its not red!!! you can't drink it =(
the man on the left is like O.O quite scary but he's dirty..as in dirty dirty lol
the duno what station apparently it has a very confusing thing to it lol something about the north station duno what duno what XD
steps!! and and sharine actually smiled!!! miracle!!!
gun gun!!
no my hair~~ it spilt!! =( how in the world do people make their hair 'stay' -.-'''
i didn't know that she took this lol
in the bus after our shopping trip i think...suddenly everyone needs specs lol
ok that's all for the pictures =D took me long enough to do that hahaha anyway...i forgot to post this up...
taken after the upper sec assembly hahaha took awhile for the phone to take this XD

ohoh and and i went for my cousin's birthday bbq yesterday! its ok...and we went up to their house and guess what i found...
WOOT!! hahaha i wanted to take a picture with it but i can't seem to get a nice picture =( and i explored the house a lil further and found this...
a white board!! so i drew things on it..like duh hahaha see my artwork XD somehow the one at the bottom looks like someone..er..oh!! it looks like alicia!! don't you agree with me? hahaha XD ok this post i really longgggggg its like 5 of my normal posts or more i don't know..anyway..i don't have any pictures left to post..hopefully i've got picture to post tomorrow =D...gonna watch a movie~~~