Monday, June 30, 2008
{ 9:30 PM }
bored~~ anyways.. i have the best computer man!! wanna know why?? ask cleo hahaha retarded...and i still insist that i didn't bang into you you banged into me so where's my $100 =D LOL....anyways...woke up early today for was like -.-''' LOL!! messy~~ haha...and say boon is back!! like finally..thought it doesn't really make a difference but..finally!! hahaha (random note: is just saw a gif of so hee in slow motion..its like LOL look at her mouth!! XD)...match with west spring was like O.O the umpire is totally biased lah!!! the GA break line ten thousand times then she nv blow -.-''' *sigh* after the match i went back to school for practice again hahaha this time we did the chorus yey!! lucky i already know how to do it..matthew was like -.-''' LOL lah!! hahaha ok..i duno what to say now..unless you want to hear me talk about wg...i shall end this post =D
Sunday, June 29, 2008
{ 2:52 AM }
ok i deleted that post hahaha felt weird posting that lol...anyways..while buying dinner yesterday..i happened to see this...
this is not an ordinary tree!! its looks normal has tens of birds in it!!! really!! you should have been there it sounded like some fish market lah!!! and the most 'amazing' thing is you can't see the birds in the tree at all!! you know that there are lots of birds in it cause of the countless number of them flying in after that when you look at the tree you can't really spot them..damn amazing lah!! LOL...ah~~ gotta go to sch early tmw @.@ somehow i can't really think of anything now lol...don't really feel like doing anything too...ok i shall go to sleep XD...match tomorrow!! and pratise...really..i have the stiff-est body lol i can't do the wave no matter how many times i try =(
Friday, June 27, 2008
{ 9:01 PM }
its FRIDAYYYY!! WOOT!! i can walk up late tomorrow =D ok actually i can't remember everything that happened today cause my mind was preoccupied by the fast that today is the 27 and i'm not doing anything =( that's why sometimes you see me stone-ing lol it me or they're been people asking me for directions more often these few days?!?! LOL yesterday someone asked me how to go to the interchange and while i was walking home today someone asked me how to go to st13 -.-''' that's not really interesting isn't it lol...ok i shall talk about...the anti drug thingy!! LOL hahaha cass started to put the tag on her shirt and soon almost all the girls in our class has it on our shirt!! yey!! mr chua was like giving us the are you crazy face and i was like we are drug free!!! LOL retarded we even took pictures hahaha see
click on enlarge...
duno if you can see the tags but ya..LOL we're united!! hahaha O.o and something good happened buddy finally replied my e-mail after a week or so!! yey!! haha i was like damn happy lah!! lol...anyways..its either nothing much happened today or i can't remember what happened today lol i shall go catch up on the shows i've missed this past week =D shall update if anything weird happens lol
Thursday, June 26, 2008
{ 10:38 PM }
O.o...ate carrot cake today!! its been a long time since i ate with sandy lol tried to play her ds hard -.- and tuition teacher changed back to the normal one!! yey!! hahahaha!!! seriously the woman sucks...and and...chem hw is like O.O i have no idea on how to do it!!! die~~ poa also..die~~ everything...die~~ lol...retarded -.-'''...oh yeah..tomorrow's the 27..and i never do anything..AT ALL..ah~~ sad~~ really lah i thought that i'd be able to at least do something no~~ i think i'll be damn 'sad' tomorrow lol..don't ask why..anyways...i've got my ss to finish!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
{ 6:25 PM }
[EDITED]OMFG i was trying to print my reflection and my printer kept saying clear paper or something so i looked into the printer and saw nothing so i kept pressing the ok button after about 10 minutes of doing i don't know what stuff...i saw a piece of plastic inside i was like wtf?!?!*tries to pull plastic out* but i couldn't so i used something to get it out...after pulling for i don't know how long...i was this golden colour thing i was like eh?!?! my kiap kiap thing!! wth!!! pulls it out then i looked again..i saw my grey thing(can't remember what its used for XD)....after like 10 minutes of trying to get it out it finally came out..wah!!! like how did these things get into my printer lah!! and its really INTO my printer lol see
three some more!!! and its like so damn big lah!!today was quite an unproductive day..i tried to do my chem but for about 3hours i was digging for my papers and trying to do the questions...and and..i can't find my formula paper thingy!!! OMG i'm gonna die without it -.-''' on a brighter's phy lesson was like LOL!!!...changed places hahaha sat with the rubiks cube guy!! lol and and mrs chin draw a picture of two bees and birds...they are like LOL!!! damn funny!!! XD should have taken a picture of it hahahaha...she was like
when i was in pri1 my teacher ask me to join drawing competition leah!! but i cannot go cause my mother play majong then she got no time to bring me go...cause of that see what happen to me now *looks at picture*
hahaha the way she said it was like LOL!!! after today i'm starting to recall stuff i learnt during the last term XD...mocking bird isn't helping much...and mrs lee still hates my handwriting hahaha not like her's is any better =P ah~~ i'm gonna continue doing my reflection now...
!!!!my com just my reflection~~ T.T luckily i didn't write that much to redo it =(
Monday, June 23, 2008
{ 11:54 PM }
first day of school...attire and hair check!! hahaha i didn't get caught XD anyways..that's not the highlight of the day..the big thing's match!! lol we did well!! yey!! *claps* the juniors improved too!! =D happy~~ hope we'll win the next match too XD ok i shall go to sleep now and find some other things to post about tomorrow or something..bye~~
Sunday, June 22, 2008
{ 11:21 PM }
I'M BACK FROM OBS!! MISS ME RIGHT WAHAHAHA I KNOW I KNOW k anyways..i shall tell a long long long story about everything that's happened =D carry on reading ya you'll fall asleep soon XD i shall start i duno what day...the most happiest thing happened to mw...I...GOT...THE...WONDERGIRLS...CD!!!! OMG!!! wahahahaha damn happy can!! i was clam on the outside but i was like jumping around on the inside lah hahahahaha not one cd but TWO!! and a big big poster!! think i regretted not buying the tell me cd and was like i've got it!!! hahaha see see
nice right!!! LOL see the two cd's by the side =D ok i'm not really doing justice to the cd's and the poster by taking a picture of them like that but...that's the best i can do lol ok i shall continue with the next big thing that happened...OBS!!! WOOT!! it was F.U.N!!!! though i think i just got darker but who cares XD my group's cousteau and instructor is ahmad!!! XD we got spilt into different groups so its like me,zena,cherilyn,rayson,kazim and louis once group with other queensway and west wood turned out to be quite fun!! i really wanted to go home on day one it felt like the worst camp lah!! BUT BUT!!! as the days passed it turned out to the the BEST camp i've ever been to..serious..we kayaked...something i've never done before...was supposed to kayak with zena so when we're supposed to capsize our boat couldn't capsize lol took us years to get into the water hahahaha!!! in the end i paired up with louis...we're like totally two people with different thinking can!! he wanted to capsize badly but i was damn scared to capsize lol!! but he's good...kayaked for 7hours with him lol then we also did er...trekking...the bag was like damn heavy!! its like OMG!! after carrying that bag carrying my own bag is like wah no kick sia lol oh yeah!! we ate maggie mee at obs too wahahahaha lol...slept in tents with le ying,diana and cherilyn new friends!!! hahaha lol...that sounded so stupid -.-''' then then we did the high elements...first time completing it!!! WOOT i climbed it with zena..wah without her i don't think i would be able to even climb half of it lol i'm not afraid of heights its just that its like wah so high!! i'm damn scared lah but she said the lamest things when we're up there i was like ..... really nothing to say loh!!! then then...i can't really remember what happened wahahaha...go read lj or shermaine's blog if you wanna know more though they're not in the same group as me but what we did we about the same...wahahaha ya lah ya lah i'm just trying to cut this post short so i can go do other things XD i shall end with a few pictures...
bye~~ our home for two or three days...
another one...this was taken on the first day so we didn't really know each other yet lol oh yeah looking at this picture it reminded me of this random thought...hillary will have a watch on his hand even if he doesn't wear a watch hahahaha!!! don't understand?? hahaha who ask you don't 'park' your kayak with us while waiting lol ok that's all bye~~
P.S i THINK i'll post more another day..depends =P
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
{ 9:42 PM }
headache headache!! next week is obs and i haven't got every thing yet!! OMG i totally forgot that obs is next week lah!!! wah~~ lots of things are going on in my head -.-''' i still have the fri thingy to worry about...what to make?!??!!? lol O.o bbt's coming tomorrow~~ actually i'm not as excited as them lol anyway i can't go -.-''' nvm i'll trust then to help me take pics lol..ok i really have nothing to blog...i'm blogging cause i wanna 'waste time' while waiting for my video thingy lol...i shall find other fun-er things to do...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
{ 11:16 PM }
..went out today...before i say about what we did today..i shall post a few super random bro asked me to watch something so i watched there's this character..he appears and his face is like this...
so i thought....O.o he has big eyes...but later did i know...
hahahaha!!! wth!! i was laughing like a mad woman XD hahaha very funny!!! XDok another pictures which has totally nothing to do with the top one...i was saving things into my thumb drive and i decided to see how much memory was left and...i saw this...
eh?!??!! i used that much?!?! i only put my favourites,music and pictures into it!!! and and the music i put into it is not even 1/3 of what i have in my never long as my pictures are safe in it i have nothing to worry about hahaha i'll die if i loose my pictures...when i was sorting out my pictures..i accidentally deleted my wg file wah my heart really stop lah i was like...but...lucky i deleted it from my thumb drive and not my com lol i know lah if you delete on com can restore but i didn't think so far at that time mah!!! lol
anyways about pictures cause no one wanted to take pics with me...alicia wanted to but it was too dark..cannot see our face =( kung fu panda!! hahaha very funny!! chin teck!!! LOL went around to shop after that and and the surprising thing was that kp and jh followed us!! miracle!!...but ya lah...LOL anyways...enough about today...i've got nothing much to say lol...and and i just wanna say... I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANNA GET WG'S ALBUM!!! wah~~ like very nice leah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~ people are posting pictures of it humph jealous~~ and i suddenly remembered something... we went to the korean store today!! bought my favourite drink!!! hahaha and and i saw a magazine with wg in it!! BUT! i didn't buy it =( too ex...$21 leah!!! wth -.-''' ok i really got nothing to say...shall update again tomorrow if i have pictures lol...
*hope sun mi gets well soon =D*
Monday, June 09, 2008
{ 12:22 AM }
back to blog!! i'm a bored no lifer -.-''' (ok not really bored more of no life lol) i just realised that everything i've done this holiday is SO DAMN FUN!! doing the same thing everyday is sooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnn you should try it!! *gives a fake smile* lol let me tell you what i do everyday...its either...1) go for netball training...come back home and use the com to get updates on wg and other stuff2) go to sp for almost a whole day..come back and use the com to get updates on wg and other stuff3) stay at home and sleep cause i'm too tired/lazy to go out after waking up...get updates on wg and other stufflol damn fun right!!! see i told you XD...the only constant thing i do is to get updates on wg and other stuff lol but who's complaining..after all its wg i'm talking about XD hahaha i think i'm going mad...not going out during the holidays is not good for your health..look at what happened to me tsk tsk tsk...let me see what i have to do the rest of the holidays...10-netball training11-13-sp16-21-obslike wth?!?!?! seriously...ALL OF MY HOLIDAYS ARE GONE LAH!!! like what's left sia?!?!? ONLY monday wah~~~ this holiday sucks...its like one month..gone in a flash..whoosh~~ gone..bye bye.. =( come to think of it...i can't really remember what i did this holiday -.-''' anyways...on a brighter note...just when i thought nothing interesting would happen at this point of my oh-so-eventful life..something did happen!!...which was the reason i decided to blog...i was happily using the com when my bro opened the door to call me out i was like eh?!?! then i heard a sound like a waterfall...i went out and looked at my toilet..low and behold!! its leaking hahahaha!! my first reaction..LOL waterfall!!! hahahahahaha XD i took a picture...its not clear though....
lol see the water coming down from that thing lol and and i duno where the cap for that thing disappeared to lol anyways enough about my toilet...ok i shall stop here and continue to go do wg stuff hahahaha...random thought...STOMACHE!!!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
{ 4:28 PM }
i suddenly had the urge to blog so here i am!! =D anyways suddenly i can upload images into my blog using this blogger thingy so i shall upload three pictures since i didn't really take any pictures..
our class~~ i was supposed to upload this yesterday but somehow it was too big lol
O.o this thing..i forgot what its called XD you just have to poke the things in lol
close up...cherilyn said that it looks like a city..townsville!! XD duno if she was the one who said it but i remember something like that lol...a random thought...i finally know why snsd has so many haters!! lol...and and can anyone tell me when's the end of the school holidays?? is it me or does this holiday not feel like a holiday at all?!?!?! waking up at 6 and going to school is like -.-''' not to mention we get fed like pigs by them lol but i like~~ nuggets~~ hahahahaha anyways..i've got a thumb drive!! yey!! i shall store everything in and delete lots of stuff lol hopefully it keeps my computer from jamming XD
Friday, June 06, 2008
{ 5:41 PM }
back from sp...tired~~ ok anyways i shall blog about today tomorrow lazy~~...anyways...after seeing you people tag me to do some quiz i shall be a kind person like i always am and do the quiz =D wahahaha i shall do greyy's one and add a question from kirb and lj so i have 21 questions lol1. When was the last time you felt grateful with what you have? eh...i duno?!?! maybe a few days ago?!?!!2. What disappoints you the most? eh...when i fail to reach my 'goal' when i'm doing something for someone...3. What's your favorite thing to do? hmm...i like to do lots of things =D sleep,eat,watch videos,play netball,do stuff related to wg lol...4. Do you think money can buy happiness? nope,they're lots of things money can't buy5. If you can have one dream to come true what would it be? hmm..i know you would think that i will say that i wanna go to korea to see wg though that is one of my dream BUT i'm not gonna say it wahahaha my dream is for me and my friends to be happy forever~~ and and the thing i learnt from the cute 4D girl we all love is to stop global warming and protect the earth!! what will happen to us if the earth is gone?!?!!6. Do you prefer a kiss or hug? hug..hugging reminds me of my buddy in korea =( aww so sad lol7. What are you afraid to lose the most? my family and friends and my hair hahahahaha8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?hmm..for now i would say that i'll put some in my bank and fly to korea to see wg and my buddy hahahaha i'll bring my friends and family along too XD9. What do you dream of doing in the future? i don't really know yet...10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? ok there's four people who tagged me so...i shall say one for each person XDgreyy:she's kind~~
kirb:he makes me laugh with all his weird faces XD
kp:he makes people around him happy but somehow he makes me thing about some stuff lol
louis:he makes me happy cause we're almost the same height HAHAHAHA!!!lj:hmm a good thing about lj?? wah..this question very don't have leah hahaha jk lol...she has small eyes that makes us laugh...and kind?!?!? XD wahahahaha11. What makes you happy? completing something i wanna do i 12. What type of person do you hate the most?irritating,sell fish(XD) and people who pretend to be your friend just cause they wanna gain something by being with you...13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road? ..singapore?!?!..hmm..i might also be overseas..korea?? lol14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? i would wanna be able to teleport of course!!!...somehow people have been asking me this question lol15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?my family and friends16. Any childhood memories you’ll like to re-live?i duno..can't really think of any right now...17. If you have a chance to change your life now, what would you want to change? er...i would wanna make sure i learn to play some instruments...i'm kinda sad that i duno how to play anything =( i would learn korean and dance too (don't be shocked by the dance thing -.-''' i wanna learn it!! its one of those things that i've always wanted to do but i just can't do it well due to the overload of sports cells in my body :/)18. Are you happy with your friends now? of course!! what more could i ask for XD19.Do you think you're pretty/handsome? not really i think i'm SUPER pretty wahahaha jkjk XD i think i'm more of cute than pretty?? most people say i'm cute so i guess i'm cute lol..i have thick skin XD20.Have you even wondered what will happen after death?yup...somehow i think i'll be living almost the same life i'm living now when i'm dead lol duno me what kind of life you have when you die depends on what you do on earth'll have a good life if you're a good person...that's what i think you think lj's eyes are small?(if u say yes i'll kill kiss u..XD)her eyes?!?!!?! where are her eyes?!?! cannot find!! *searches for her eyes* XD lol its small but not the smallest...there SHOULD be people out there that have bigger eyes than her..just that i haven't seen one yet XD...lj is gonna kiss me... *runs away*Instructions : Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question,make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged....i won't ask anyone to do this anyway almost everyone has already done it lol wahahahaha if you wanna do it just do it lolok i'm done =D i shall blog again tomorrow lol
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
{ 6:31 PM }
had training today..actually nothing much happened lol...saw kp and kirb lol hahaha kp has a bandaged face,hand and leg hahaha LOL i was like eh?!?! your face hahahaha lol oh yeah!! on the bus i saw this auntie..she's damn disgusting lah!! she was like sitting in front of me so i saw her using her handkerchief to clean her sweaty armpits so i thought eww disgusting then i ignored her then awhile later she cleaned them again i was like....O.O then she used the handkerchief she used to calen her sweaty armpits and body to clean her face i was like eating my sweet and i almost choked!!! OMG so dirty!! ewwwwwwww so dirty lol i hope none of the people i know do that i think i'll die lol..anyways..i went to 7-11 just now to buy some sweets and stuff...i walked over to the section where there are drinks and looked i was like finding my favourite drink case you don't remember..its this:
i was like looking for it lol after a few minutes i couldn't find it i was like thinking hmm..i remember buying the drink from a freezer that looks like this...THEN I REMEMBERED...i'm in singapore not korea -.-''' i was like so sad~~ i miss the drink =( lol..IF ANYONE SEE THIS DRINK IN SINGAPORE PLEASE TELL ME!!! I WANT TO BUY IT!!!..i forgot i was in singapore lol i was like standing there looking for it -.-''' ok that's all...i have to sleep early cause i have to wake up at 6 tomorrow =( lol sp here we come!!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
{ 8:44 PM }
training tomorrow -.- i'm gonna get burnt wah~~ i really rather stay at home and stay in my WG world which is much better then me going to netball=watching sgb at night...wah lazy~~~ anyways..i almost fell in the toilet today like wth?!?!?! lol i just woke up so i didn't know that the toilet was wet i went in and whoa almost fall lol hahahaha stupid...anyways...i shall stop here..MIGHT post again tomorrow..depends =P..anyways...MiSo is love!! ok bye~~