ok i know i said that i'd upload more pictures taken during the korea trip..BUT!! ...for some reason i can't upload pitures using this blogger thing!! %&$# never mind i shall use photobucket XD i'm like doing massive uploading lol and these pictures are only from ONE person wah..there's like 5 more people?!?! lol anyways since i don't have pictures you shall read something that i don't think most of you know what in the world i'm saying =D...these few days i've been on the fan mode wahahaha its been like this after korea XD i'm having the WG fever lol watching videos about them...LOTS of videos...reading news about them...listening to their songs..hahaha ok lah..there's abit of BB also lol..AND AND the most amazing thing is that..I'M STILL ADDICTED TO TELL ME!! OMG after duno how long i'm still listening to it over and over again..not to mention watching the mv lol watch until i know the dance steps XD lol i'm like having a 'fever' from all this 'info' cannot digest properly ya'll should listen to their songs nice~~ BB the song also nice XD hahaha seems like WG fans don't really like SNSD lol duno why...i almost fall off my chair when the person thought that tiffany and seohyun are in WG lol like how can they not know who's in WG lah!! somemore is mix up with SNSD lol anyways..this post is boring so i shall stop here..all the pictures are uploaded!! now i have to edit them due to the blurness for some reason lol...i WILL post them tomorrow lol 50% of ya'll probably don't know what i was taking about right? wahahaha...sohee is cute! wahaha mandu~~ sandy actually know who WG are!! wah!! miracle!! XD P.S MY LEFT HAND SMELLS LIKE ONION WAHAHA WANNA SMELL?? I SHOULDN'T HAVE CUT THE ONIONS -.-'''A
Wednesday, May 28, 2008{ 7:58 PM }
i'm back to blog about my oh-so-eventful life lol...no there's no pictures from the korea trip..maybe only one...why? cause i don't have them!! lol..don't worry..i shall do a mass upload tomorrow when i get the pictures from lj =D for now i shall boast about my results =D i got top in d&t for the WHOLE level..yup WHOLE!! wahahaha i don't know if its only me but..the numbers match!! WOOT!! see see(click to enlarge) check out my conduct..very good ar!! hahaha wahahahaha!!! am i smart or what XD...you can just look at d&t and ignore the rest especially math wahahaha i erased the result =P judging by the only mark that i didn't erase...20 you can imagine how much i get..it won't be far from 20 lol the whole class failed -.- what do you expect..at least i didn't get a one digit mark lol anyways...at least my L1R4 is 14....i don't plan to go to a jc anyway so L1R5 is like..i don't care lol i think i'll die if i get into a jc..its like OMG chinese for another few years wth?!?! lol anyways...yup..D&T!!!! i shall stop boasting and show you something dumb i did in the morning that woke me up..but i went back to sleep after that lol.... tada!! i feel so retarded..i actually scratched my knee my accident and it BLEED lol!!! you can't really see it clearly but yup...and this was taken when there was not that much blood lol...like how in the world did it bleed?!?! my nails are not THAT sharp lol as far as i can remember i didn't sharpen them...hmm...but heck..i put a plaster on it and went to sleep immediately hahaha lol nothing can stop me from my precious sleep =D i took the plaster off when i woke up lol you might be wondering then why did you put the plaster there in the first place?!?!...well...it was to prevent having blood patches on my bed imagine having blood on my bed..it would look like 'it' overflowed when i sleep lol anyways that's about all..and..i found this picture in felix's friendster....introducing... sol hee aka sorry...hui sze's buddy XD i duno if i spelt it right but her name should be something like that lol...she was he first person i saw when we went to their school..due to her loud 'A's' lol see she's doing the A again lol pity i don't have her contact...i shall ask SZE HUI for her e-mail =D lol why sze hui?? cause its not hui sze hahaha see see whose fault(inside joke XD) anyways..sol hee is super active!! hahaha i think she's coming next year..hmm..the we can all A her back haha lol!! ok i shall end here...you still haven't seen my buddy have you =P well you have to wait and see~
Tuesday, May 27, 2008{ 4:58 PM }
in case you're wondering..I'M STILL ADDICTED TO TELL ME hahaha can't stop listening to it!!! and the dance is like O.O lol even suju know how to dance it lol..anyways.. i'm back from chem remedial there's only one thing i can say after it..STOMACHE!!! haha lol my stomach was like OMG lol anyways..about the trip...its fun lah..to me..coming back to singapore is like argh my brother keeps irritating me and its just the 2nd day i got back grr..anyways..my buddy e-mailed me lol!! XD so formal O.O ha i just remembered about something i saw in korea...cass..sound of vitality!! lol hahaha cass has a drink named after her!! lol i was like staring at the poster..O.O lol oh yeah..the family i stayed with was nice hahaha my buddy's mother's english is good~~ haha anyways..here's the room i stayed in for er..2days nice right!!! lol pink sheets hahaha and its cooling too natural air-con haha anyways.. the first day we went to eat some korean food...i shall show you our before and after eating results before after its like no difference lah!! the only thing we liked was the fish lol they next day for breakfast we ate something more non korean-ish lol and i saw this.... its actually toothpicks lah!!! OMG don't look like right!!!..closer view... lol...looks like its made from plastic but its not...hmm..i wonder what its made from lol anyways..this is the best picture..hahaha!! sharine fang!! lol anyways...on the er third day..i think..we walked up some mountain...it took like a mill years to get to the top lah!!! but the view was nice~~ anyways..i shall let the pictures do the talking.. don't say i look retarded with the hood on..it was cold ok!! anyways..li jing had maggie mee hair on that day!! wahahaha XD see see and and can you spot the extra head at the back XD lol finally got this after a few tries..its not my fault that i can't take pictures properly humph see the view is nice~~ the triangle there looks like a set square right!!! lol that was the first thing i saw lol hyper big set square XD i shall now show you the drink that i'm addicted to and i can't get in singapore.. this!!! is damn nice!! BUT..singapore doesn't have it..at least i haven't seen it here before &^&*% and and the water which we all had for 6 days lol tada..nothing special =P hahaha we went shopping on the second last and last day of the trip...and shopping centre was like OMG so different from sinagpore!! see!! they have nice patterns on the escalator!! lol along the way alicia and lj were acting retarded tsk lol i realised there's really not much to shop there -.-''' no wonder i didn't really get anything XD we went to some place which has stuff and koreans used during the war..i think XD the pictures we took are not with me =( but but!!! i have two pictures XD hahaha see see i'm so good i have no idea what she's doing lol haha weird 'pose'..another one... this is called the auntie pose!!! hahaha lol XD you can also see half of cherilyn lol and there's this thing with two 'people' on the top hugging each other..i suppose..see this is the 'normal' one this is the special one see see good people take nice pictures!! XD come come ask me to take pictures for you hahaha and when we were on the bus going back to the hotel..i noticed this cause the guys were talking about it... hahaha!! techno school bus XD lol!! techno ar lol hahaha anyways..that's about all....i'd blog more BUT i don't have 99.9% of the pictures cause i locked my camera in my luggage -.-''' lol...i shall post a picture of my buddy tomorrow hahaha
Monday, May 26, 2008{ 11:37 PM }
I'M BACK!! WAHAHAHAHA its damn fun lah!!! it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be!! hahaha...and and i have the cutest buddy lah!! YUN YOUNG!!! XD..i shall post her picture when i have time i'm too tired now..anyways...6 days passed by just like that!! wah~~ so sad *sobs* i miss my buddy!! i like korea!!! its like so different from singapore!!! their school and shopping centres!!..speaking of shopping centres..I LOVE E-MARTS!!! OMG!! they're the best!!! you can get almost everything there lah!!! clothes,food,bags,shoes..everything!!! wah!! its super good!! anyways..i shall end here for now..i'll blog more tomorrow..i'm too tired today -.-''' oh yeah..after the trip i'm addicted to this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpcDPr6b5o4 hahaha tell me tell me XD should have gotten the cd :/ OH OH!! ONE LAST THING..EH!!! HAHAHA I BET MOST OF YA'LL DON'T KNOW WHAT MEAN BUT...EH!! XD
Tuesday, May 20, 2008{ 3:23 PM }
hahaha we're flying off to korea in less than 24 hours!! OMG..lol..hmm..today was quite a boring day somehow we didn't study..at all lol brought my chi book for nothing!! -.-'''..and and..i went home straight after school!! lol!!..walked with yasmine,cass and greyy to j8 after school...on the way...WE WATCHED A VERY NICE MOVIE...AND ITS F.O.C!! XD hor gracia XD hahaha very funny lol!!! then went home with greyy...walked home and packed my luggage...its gonna explode lah!! lol anyways..i shall end here and this will be the last post for about 6days..i think...BYE BYE!!! DON'T MISS ME AR!! CAUSE I KNOW YOU WILL XD..hor yasmine XD admit it you know you love me hahahaha
Monday, May 19, 2008{ 9:07 PM }
flying off to korea tomorrow!! OMG!! lol i'm hoping that i won't die there due to the over flooding of kimchi gah i'm hoping that there's internet there XD at least i can come online lol..bring my psp,mp3 and hp there!! lol!! i won't get bored at this rate hahaha..not to mention my book!! lol i'm like going for some outing lol...when i go there i'll be rich!! hahaha so many zeroes behind lol but the thing there are ex right?? hope i can get stuff..nice stuff..lol...but i'll miss my com when i'm there NO~~~ i bet you i'll be com-sick lol imagine not watching vids for almost a week OMG!!! lol see i told you i'd die lol...but i think its gonna be fun..i think?? haha anyways take a bow is nice! listen to it!! lol i've been playing it over and over again haha
Sunday, May 18, 2008{ 9:22 PM }
OMG korea is like in two days and i haven't gotten everything i want!! the worse part is...I CAN'T GO OUT TOMORROW *dies* somehow my mother won't allow me to go out like wth?!?! she says that i have to pack my luggage tomorrow...how in the world takes a day to pack their luggage lah!!! wah~~ i'm depressed...have..to..think..to..ways..to..get..her..to..let..me..go..out =D hope she lets me out lah..i should have gotten the things the last time we went out but i FORGOT!! -.-''' anyways...I'VE GOT GREEN EARPIECE wahahaha my mother got them for me XD i didn't ask her for it ar!! lol anyways that's all...i shall continues eating the bag of sweets i got yesterday XD I'VE GOT A SWEET TOOTH XD P.S I HAD THE MOST RANDOM CONVO ON MSN..EVER!! LOL HAHAHA
Friday, May 16, 2008{ 8:23 PM }
O.o checked the result thingy today..i got F9 for math!! OMG...the whole class failed lah!! highest D7 by our gracia goh!! lol i think i passed the rest..I THINK!! lol...did the poa thingy our group is called..J.A.S.X caps hahaha took damn long to think of the things lah!!...aft sch went to some shop to get psp games...i took a mill years to figure out what game i want lol i was like hmm..er..ar...eh..*stares at the games* lol wth..i 'jack-ed' myself just now -.-''' ..........i saw a picture which has a girl that looks like you!!! OMG where? friendster!!i went to this guy's acc then got one photo the girl look like you XD *gives url* lol!! cause rite heis my bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha lol!!! wth!!! hahaha no wnder it looks like you XD he's my bro la i didn't know you had a bro lol walao haha
lol!! retarded XD i didn know lah!! i was like looking at the profile then i was like eh!! look like her leah so i went to tell her hahaha lol..ah..seriousely..i don't really have anything to blog about..can't really remember what happened XD anyways i shall end with the pics we took during trg yesterday~~ NOTE: the pics are combined by iqa XD i was lazy to put all four up so i took hers XD i duno how she combined them..photoshop i guess lol
Thursday, May 15, 2008{ 10:44 PM }
today was quite an er...boring in a way?!?!...got back lit..O.o i failed..WOW hahaha 21 lol same as ah girl lol!! alicia got 22 one more mark then me!! -.-''' anyways..slacked with hui sim and joan during chinese..crapped alot lol!! we talked about random things lah!! very fun~~ XD..then phy was like lol!! super funny i still remember..the other class was doing duno what thing then thye hit the wall so mrs chin as next to the whiteboard she was like eheh you all not scared meah?!?! scared for what?? they hit hit hit later we die ar..oh yeah hor if die i will die first...if i die you must tell the school i sacrifice for you all ar... ok... then you all must pretend to cry if got reporters leah must say that i am good hor... why pretend to cry?!?! cause i know all of you won't cry if i die XD lol!! damn funny lah!! she said something like that same meaning lol i was like lol!!! hahahha..after that we went for the korea thingy..met the other school people..forgot what school is that XD...they're er...duno leah lol they're ok bah...i can only remember a few people's name lol..got the 'timetable' for the sp thingy le!! yey!! =D hahah we can go to sp man!! WOOTS!! lol so fun~~ hahahaha..had netball too!!! i didn't really wanna go at first cause i wsas lazy..but..i still went for it lol..its was F-U-N!!! hahha did lots of stuff lol...took pictures too!! but they're not with me =( aww so sad~~ somehow i always don't feel like going for trg but after i go i'll be like OMG today was so fun lol...anyways enough of this weird stuff...i found some pictures i took a few days ago..yesterday or the day before if i'm not wrong... we went to the com lab...YES! the same one that had the shit as the wallpaper all of us were eager to see if the shit is still there so geraint on the com...and..LOW AND BEHOLD!! this was what appeared... hahahaha!! everyone was like OMG!! natalia!! lol!!! super funny lah!! hahaha all of us crowded around the table staring at that picture lol!!and we all know who did it XD lol anyways..i also found a second pituer which made me laugh like mad XD..contributed by shermaine soh..see.. WOW!!shermaine has big notes XD hahah auntie!! i didn even know there's such a thing lah!! lol!! super funny XD i was like eh?!?! who's takes and see wahahahaha!! you have big notes!! XD wahahahaha lol!!! anyways..its a sad day today..cause..i..finished..eating..my..BOUNTY!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so sad lah =(...no more bounty for me wah~~ its super nice loh!! humph...sad~~...anyways..i wanna sleep~~
Wednesday, May 14, 2008{ 11:20 PM }
wakakakaka we're going to korea next week!! whoo~~ i'm excited but not THAT excited get what i mean? lol..tomorrow's the briefing!! hahaha...i wanna see if i can get nice stuff there!! wahahaha..i still haven't got my pullover!! =(...yasmine says that we can get it at nee ann city if i'm not wrong so i'm gonna go there!! anyway cherilyn wants to go to pull and bear..i also wanna go see!! wahahaha really hope i can get the pullover i want...wah~~ lol anyways..these few days i've been like super tired..i mean SUPER!! i don't even know why!!...must be the amount of time i spent in math lessons...makes me tired lol...oh yeah!! i passed my phy and got A! for sci!! WOOTS!! first time!! normally i would get a C6...for last year's case it was a D7 XD lol don't aks me how i got that..i don't even know lol...that's all...you should see me now..i look like some person who lives in an igloo and is covered with snow XD lol!!...not really lah..abit haha don't you think that's its cold?!?!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008{ 9:33 PM }
whoo~~ got back poa today wahaha i passed!! BUT!!...my ss failed as i expected XD but very good le!! i got more than i expected me to get =D lol anyways...suddenly i was in the soccer interclass lah!!! so..i went for it..turned out to be fun~~ we screamed like hell!! XD super high lol btw if you're interested..we lost -.-''' wah see see who's fault lah!! stupid i had to protect the whole goal by myself can!! how to lah lol anyways...at least the guys won!! yey!! hahaha we were like watching them play and screaming all their names lol ah~~ we bonded a lil again haha...i've got sore throat from all the screaming lah!! lol..chocolate!! got horse!!! wahahaha i don't think most of you know what i'm saying but nvm hahaha she know ok ready lol anyways..here are some pics =D notice the last picture has two extra legs??? chocolate and zee meHh meHh lah!! lol extra XD...oh yeah!! i got caught for my skirt today -.-''' wtf BUT!! korea saved me!! yey lol...i'm gonna make my skirt longer tomorrow!! yey wahahahaha lol anyways..that's all...i'm tired after coming back from sushi tei just now lol
Monday, May 12, 2008{ 5:12 PM }
wahahahaha today was like LOL!!! i passed my eng and d&t yey!! BUT..i failed my math horribly -.-''' wah~~ nvm..anyways..we went to the com lab during eng...used the com then i got bored and went to alicia's side lol..the guys are damn retarted lah!! lol!! they searched for a wevsite called joycee.com then really have loh!!! lol its some dating thingy or something like tat XD then after that they searched for pictures of shit..i think..and they found this
wah!!! its like a super big shit lah!! its 15inches!!! LOL!!! they put it as the wallpaper lah hahahahaha seriously its like OMG!! but i doubt that its a pic of a real shit lol where got people shit so nice one?!?!! XD i don't see alicia doing that XD lol anyways..after doing that weird horrifying thing i decided to take random pictures lol see see cherilyn~~ ...somehow she looks weird XD slanted body!! can you spot xp lol see her hair there XD ...the king of weird faces!! XD wah he got damn alot of funny faces lah!! lol hahaha see see what did i tell you XD...i wonder where he got the ideas of making those faces from XD ah girl and kirb wahahahaha the most un-glam face they can make!!! XD super funny lah!! wahahahahaha lol...ah girl has slanted specs and plays some weird game that i duno how to play lol!!! XD anyways...that's all...credits to kirb and ah girl for proving weird faces for me to take pictures of XD LOL!!
Friday, May 09, 2008{ 9:57 PM }
wahahaha went out with alicia,cherilyn and leader today!! yey!!..met alicia at 11.15 and we headed for the mrt!!...waited for cherilyn..and waited..then...we 'gave up' and went inside j8 cause she said that she was gonna be late -.-''' lol its HOT!!! but somehow with a jacket on i don't feel very warm lol anyways when she finally came we went to city hall mrt to wait for SOMEONE we waited for a million years lah!! see no ppl le!! empty!!actually its not empty..everyone choing to the other side of the mrt so it seems empty XD so...we got bored and started taking pics!!! see wahahaha there's more BUT! i don't wanna post them =P must post the pics that are more glam mah XD i won't post the unglam pic wahahaha so after our picture taking spree she finally came like WOW! XD..went to bugis st..and ..i..bought.. socks!! WOW!! its damn amazing got brown and green!! lol..we got rings also XD and cherilyn bought lots of stuff lah!! rich!! she brought 100+ lah -.-''' so after that we went to marina sq to search for things to eat!! leader was hungry~~ XD went to sake..ate...salamon!! very nice lah!!! i keep eating!! the soft shell crab also!! =D see see nice!! and and the way we order our food is like WOW! lol use com sia wah high tech XD O.o oh yeah! while odering we saw this... lol!! kaminabe sounds like kan ni na bei lah!! wth wahahahahaha XD...O.o i took a pic with leader..i have no idea why its in black and white lol
after eating alicia choing-ed to the toilet XD wahaha lol then we went shopping..and..they bought jeans -.- lol i also want lah!! wah~ so we took a pic instead =D lol you might think eh?? i thought got four people..well..the last person was trying on her jeans rich lah rich lah you can buy lol XD so after walking awhile more we went to..far east!! see see got proof lol somehow leader looks so xing ku lol walked around to look for bf shirt but somehow i can't find the one i wanted -.-''' so...we walked anyways XD when we were 1/2 dead we decided to bus home and low and behold! we saw wei ting and valerie!! XD bus-ed to j8 and bought bubble tea~~leader went home so the three of us went to the top of the 8...sat there and talked lol tay oi lin!!! XD after that nth much happened...went home lol..ate maggie mee!! wahahah jealous ar~~ btw...somehow cherilyn thinks this pic is special?!?!
lol!! i've only got one word for this..woosh!! XD
Thursday, May 08, 2008{ 6:05 PM }
FINALLY!! the exams are OVER!! wahahaha yey!!! XD..actually..i feel the same lol...no change =D so you might wonder what did after the paper..maybe you already know..maybe you know abit or maybe you duno but i'll still tell you if not i'll have nothing to blog about!!! lol stupid XD..went home to change and meet...山地!! lol lk say i walk very fast..fast meah?!?! lol anyways...went to far east...to buy...things!! =D actually i was the one who wanted to buy things lol..mrt-ed to novena to find her then we went to orchard......we love the mrt hor sandy XD retarted lah!! anyways...i saw someone there that i know..wanted to call her but..i forgot her name :X lol oh yeah!!...i forgot to talk about the exam!! O.o...phy was like wah~~~ i read and re read the same line for duno how long lah!!! stupid question lol d&t was like O.o i didn't even know what some of the things were lah!!! never see that word before loh!!! so..i anyhow write what i think it was XD..alicia!! seeing bright colours will make you happy loh!! XD only smart people write that =D anyways..while using the com..i found out that... =D my com's twin!! lol stupid XD i didn't realise it lah!! XD oh yeah...this is nice to eat!!! BOUNTY!!! nice lah!!! its like chocolate then in the inside there's c-o-c-o-n-u-t COCONUT!!! lol you should try it!! XD i'm eating it now lol..that's about all..i wanna do other things...watch vid!!! XD(not the pasarmalam pantie vid lah!! that vid is like wth lah -.-)